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It's question time with
PiNkZeE sLiMePiE

Today, I'd like you to tell me about yourself. Not likes and dislikes, I'd like to know about your personality. If I look over to you, what will you be doing? Thinking? Are you different around others? Just about you.

I, personaly, am a happy-go-lucky person, who gets very depressed when no ones around, mostly from all the trama I've been threw, I need people around me. People like me easily, but I have few friends. I'm that person who'll shout "SWAGGOOTTT" in a man voice when someone with a snap-back and mucle shirt walks by. I'm empithetic. I don't know how I got that way, but I am. So much I can't defend myself, I can throw a punch but I wouldn't because that means I'd be hurting someone, and that'd pain me more than all the punches or kicks or names in the world. Everyone's telling me to think about my self for once, but I can't help but consider everyone. I'm athiest, but I wouldn't tell you you're wrong. I have a sick sence of hummer, and I'm very sarcastic, that's something that a lot of people can't handle. I, in reality, have no one at the moment, so I tend to hang onto my fandoms. I don't act different around anyone, besides getting clumbsy around people I like, but that's something I can't controll. I, no matter how many time's I've been called ugly, or fat, or what ever!, think that I'm attractive. Maybe not beautiful, or pretty, or cute, or hot, But attractive. I don't wear makeup, but it's not for that reason...I just don't like feeling fake, and I like rubbing my eyes.

Well, that's me. So what about you?

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It's question time with PiNkZeE sLiMePiE Today, I'd like

0 faves · 3 comments · Aug 17, 2013 11:12am





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LaylaTheAwesome · 1 decade ago
I'm a happy person i think, i like playing instruments and making music. I am REALLY sarcastic and I am bad at spellings. People see me as a really happy person who has nothing wrong but really I just cover everything up with a smile (this is the first time I've taked about this so I don't know how to explain it) I don't think I am depressed but I do get really sad. I put other people before myself because i'm afraid of loosing them.I really like music, I want to be a guitarist but I get told that I cant do it or I will never make it. I like to think that I am Mexican ( I love Mexican food). I am quite clumsy i'm always falling over things or walking into things. I have a small group of friends i don't have loads because I am really shy and just cant talk to new people without getting nervous. I like super heroes, my favorite animals are goats and llama's (I might be allowed a pet one !!!) My Idol is Jack Barakat because he is amazing, funny and dosent care about the haters. I have long curly hair down to my waist that will not straighten no matter how much i try. I've been called "one of a kind" and "not like many other people" and i thought that was amazing because i don't just want to be normal and boring like most other people. I get told a lot in school that I need to take things more seriously If i want to get a good job when I'm older or go to a good university (they say I am too laid back). I don't really know what I want to be If I cant be a guitarist.
(sorry if it was a bit long<3)
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PinkzeeSlimepie · 1 decade ago
You do sound like one of a kind, Layla. The ability to hid your emotions will come in handy, keep that, but if you're feeling sad, you really should tell someone, a friend, someone, it's not good to bottle things up (trust me, I'm on the verge of becoming bi-polar acording to my theripist :P) You shouldn't listen to people saying that you'll never become a guitarist, you might not be that good right now, but practise is all it takes. Only takes a year to learn, and a few to master, but you have all the time in the world. You sound really crazy, but that's okay, all the best people are. :o)

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LaylaTheAwesome · 1 decade ago
Thank you so much :D you are amazing, I think i will talk to somebody, Yes i am slightly crazy but normalness leads to sadness :) I think my Idea of wanting to be a guitarist is better than when I wanted to be a magician xD haters gonna hate potatoes gonna potate xxxx
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