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Dear Dana,

Today I was with my boyfriend again, and to be quite honest I think we got kind of sick of eachother because we spend a lot of time together. There are very few people you can't get sick of in this world, one is a sibbling, one is a bestfriend, and another would be the love of your life. That's how I know he's not 'the one.' But that's okay because I am only a kid, so I have plenty of time to find 'the one.' I am kind of concerned though because he has cheated on girls in the past, and he comes from a family that is pretty much murcyless, & he hung out with another girl that likes him later today! I'm just worried because he's like one of my bestfriends right now and he's special to me so I couldn't handle losing him, but I feel like he can just take advantage of me because of that. It's a situation where I have to choose to follow my heart or mind. Both pathes are pretty risky. I guess I'll just have to wait to see what happens. I miss you soo much though, and I wish you were here to give me advice,

-xoxo your sister<3
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Dear Dana, Today I was with my boyfriend again, and to be quite

5 faves · 4 comments · Aug 14, 2013 10:14pm





love · awaymessages · sister · away messages

simplified · 1 decade ago
This just breaks my heart. She knows how much you love her. She is always listening.
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Fill_that_empty_gap · 1 decade ago
thankk you <3
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savannah* · 1 decade ago
The people we love are always listening even when it feels like they're not. We don't always need an answer from people to know what they would say. Keep talking to her and don't stop, she's listening.
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Fill_that_empty_gap · 1 decade ago
thank you soo much, I will <3
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