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26 faves · 22 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




justwhipit · 1 decade ago
Listen I am of the Islamic faith other wise known as a Muslim and let me first say I was born here in America and have only left to visit Canada so the "American Way" is something as familiar as the back of my hand in everyway, shape, and form. Secondly, I want to say thought you and every other person are entitled to his/her own opinion I don't think it is very fair for a person to make every person sharing maybe the same faith or the same beliefs as those terrorist who bombed the world trade center on 9-11-01 should be categorized as terrorist as well! As an American 9-11 affected me and my family just as much as any other person and another thing is the religion of Islam is peace so really it doesn't make much sense for any muslim to kill for any reason other than self defense! With people in the world to accuse a person biased on their religious background is not only unjust but also a very cruel thing to do. And considering the respect most muslims have toward other religions it is ironic such respect isn't returned for a crime committed by 19 men. Lastly please just try to put yourself in our situation for a moment, to be judged by what you choose to wear and not by what is in your heart or to be labeled as terrorist in your own country without any such evidence against you personally. All I am saying is as a human being who feels hurt, pain, and love just as we (muslims) do please just keep an open heart before labeling any other person before knowing all sides. Thank you and btw this isn't just directed at you but all people :)
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pokoro · 1 decade ago
Ironic, coming from someone who's country is based upon a genocide.. Utterly ironic.

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The Chosen One* · 1 decade ago
Its Like Everyone Is Writing Gigantic Speeches Here Whereas Im Like
"Yeah I TOTALLY Know What We're Talking ABout..Pfft"
I Really..Dont Know..Just..Bye<3
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batshitcrazy · 1 decade ago
Don't be so ignorant. Why are you only protesting about Muslim terrorists? There are plenty of white terrorists, but nobody ever mentions them, do they? Because Muslims are easiest to vilify because they don't share Western beliefs or customs, and therefore can be portrayed as the "other". I'm not defending any terrorist actions (the events of 9/11 & other such occurrences were horrifying and catastrophic) but to condemn and disrespect an entire religion because of the actions of extremists seems to me to be awfully similar to what you're protesting.
And if you had done your research you would know that it wasn't "a few Taliban claiming to be tortured". Under the Bush Administration, the US Government essentially ratified the use of torture by the CIA and other such government organisations, justifying it under the "War on Terror", and classifying it as "enhanced interrogation techniques" in order to disguise the fact that it directly contravened the Geneva Conventions and the UN Convention against Torture. Widespread, government endorsed torture. I don't hear you complaining about that.
In addition, neither the war in Afghanistan nor the 2003 invasion of Iraq were approved of by the UNSC, and thus the legality of such campaigns must be called into question. So it can be argued that the "insurgents" you mentioned see themselves as defending their country, and their beliefs. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
So sit down and shut up.
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ThereWillBeAnAnswer_LetItBe · 1 decade ago
i can't even express how grateful i am you said this. i am a muslim and every muslim i know and have ever met is a good person who loves america and would never even consider for a second doing something evil.
im not religious at all and neither is my family, but even some of our friends who are are good friends with their neighbors regardless of their religion or race.

if everyone could be how you are, the world would be a better place.

and especially at the fact that any time something bad happens every good muslim is thinking "oh god please dont be a crazy extremist pathetic excuse of a muslim who has done this"
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barakat* · 1 decade ago
Hi, I'm asking for your comment's hand in marriage, as well as your blessing for your comment and I to live a happy life together.
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batshitcrazy · 1 decade ago
*cries* I never thought this day would come. My little comment is growing up so fast. Yes. Yes you have my blessing, and I hope you have a perfect happily ever after.
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barakat* · 1 decade ago
Thank you so, so much. I'll take care of comment very, very well.
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batshitcrazy · 1 decade ago
Welcome to the family <3<3
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barakat* · 1 decade ago
Thank you.
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josiewdog123 · 1 decade ago
Thank you, you said exactly what I wanted to say
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p0kemon · 1 decade ago
I really love this.
Someone knows what's up.
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Toronto Maple Chokes* · 1 decade ago
Canadian media? Canadian media... holy crap... I live in Canada, what does this even mean exactly: Canadian media stops pretending that their freedom of speech on stories is more important than the lives of the soldiers on the ground or their families waiting at home to hear about them when somthing happens.

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whereismymind · 1 decade ago
75% mosque in the US are led by Muslim extremist. I say that we send them back to the Middle East, or put cameras in every mosque in the US, because if the 75% Muslim extremist decide to blow up the US, whats stopping them?
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ThereWillBeAnAnswer_LetItBe · 1 decade ago
put cameras in the mosques, i would actually love that. then you would be able to see that we are normal people, going for prayer then chit chatting with some friends and making plans when to get together some time for dinner!
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barakat* · 1 decade ago
Hey, the Westboro Baptist Church are a great example of Christian extremists, does that mean we put cameras in all Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, (etc.), churches as well? Should we send them all back to Europe? No, because that would be exclusive of a certain religion. That statistic sounds horribly fake, as well as the fact that I think you're forgetting a pretty important part of the First Amendment, the freedom of religion. Try to accept the fact that not all Muslims are extremists. That's a bit embarrassing.
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josiewdog123 · 1 decade ago
Not all Muslims are extremists
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
How do you know that statistic? I'm pretty sure that was made by anti Muslim groups to try to get people to turn against those who practice a certain branch of the Islamic faith. I think that you're forgetting that there's such a thing as freedom of religion.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
This applies to all those who have lost something because of 9/11 and beacause of the hate that others have of the USA and other free nations in the world. Every soldier that has paid the ultimate price for freedom--not just US soldiers. This includes Israel and it's soldiers, New Zealand and it's soldiers, Canada and it's soldiers, Australia and it's soldiers, the UK and their soldiers, etc.
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ThereWillBeAnAnswer_LetItBe · 1 decade ago
there were also muslims who lost their life that day, muslim soldiers who fight for the US. yes, 9/11 was a day my parents sat sobbing and crying because my grandfather was killed from falling debris. that was also a day MULTIPLE large islam organizations from europe and america came out and said how wrong it is what those people did.

im not here to fight or argue, just to give another point.
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ThereWillBeAnAnswer_LetItBe · 1 decade ago
9/11 was an absolute terrible day and there is no denying that. but not every muslim did that. 1% of muslims are terrorists. so why give such thoughts to the 99% who just live their lives
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ThereWillBeAnAnswer_LetItBe · 1 decade ago
sorry i keep posting stuff. you can believe what you want, but i just wanted you to knoww, that in reality its not even 5% of those who do evil. im definitely not evil and would never even think of hurting the ones i love and the country that i love! :)
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