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I'm Your Mate
Chapter 19

"When's she going to wake up?" Jace growled. "It's been 2 days!"
2 days? I've been out that long? I tried to keep my breathing even so that he would think I was still asleep. Should I break it off with him or wait for him to do it because I know for sure he's not going to want me after this. I mean he just found out I was pregnant with my ex!
"She should be waking up any minute now." The doctor replied.
"I need water." I choked out. My throat was like the Sahara desert.
"Avery!" Jace gasped running over to me. The doctor handed me a glass of water. After I drank it I looked up at the doctor.
"How did everything go?"
"Everything went good. You're no longer pregnant." He said.
"Thank you." I smiled warmly up at him. Jace growled, but I ignored him. "How long until I'm healed?"
"Well since you're marked you're body's getting ready for you to shift. You're healing almost as fast as a actual werewolf so about a day or so. You're going to be a little sore though." He stated.
"Once again thank you doctor." I smiled.
"Please call me Jeff." He replied. "I'll be going. If you need anything don't hesitate to call me."
Once he left I looked up at Jace. He was looking at me weirdly.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"You seem fine. I just thought you would be in pain, or sad I don't know.." He said.
"I'm not 100% alright, but I'm doing good. I just want this issue with Colton to be over with." 
"Do you want to come upstairs and watch a movie with me?" He asked.
I looked up at him shocked. "Really?"
"Why are you shocked? Of course I want to watch a movie with my mate." He smiled.
"I just.." I stuttered. "I didn't think you'd want to be with me after all this."
"Hey," He said lightly grabbing my face with his hands. "Of course I want you! No matter what happens." 
He doesn't want to break up with me? What a relief.
"I need clothes. I can't leave this room with this ugly thing on." I said pointing the gown I was wearing.
"Here." He said handing me one of his shirts and sweatpants.
Once I was changed he carried me upstairs, afraid that I would hurt myself. He layed me me down on our bed and climbed in next to me.
"Within the next couple of days you're going to be going into heat." He said a couple of minutes later while we were watching the moive.
"What's that?" I asked, confused.
"It's your body getting ready to mate. Your hormones go crazy. With some people they don't feel good, or they feel exhuasted. It's different for everyone. Also all the male werewolves without mates will be extremly attracted to you since they can smell your hormones." He said.
"Then after that we can fully mate?" I asked.
"Yep." He replied.
"You should train me how to fight tomorrow." I suggested.
"No. You''ll be too sore. How about the day after that depending on how you feel?" He asked.
"Sounds good," I said. "Can you get Cammi in here? I want to talk to her and I miss her." 
"Yeah one second." He said. It was quiet for a minute before he spoke again. "She's on her way."
"What? You didn't even do anything." I said.
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you! I can connect with my pack through my thoughts. I can also block them from it."
"That's so cool!" I shouted.
"Avery! I've missed you!" Cammie shouted running in the room.
"I've missed you too!" I said hugging her.
"Anything interesting happen since I last saw you?" I asked.
"Yes!" She shouted. "I found my mate!"
"Oh my god Cammi! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! I have some news also!" 
"I'll leave you girl alone to have some girl time. Just be down for dinner, alright?" Jace said from the doorway.
"Okay, babe." I replied.
"Spill!" Cammie shouted jumping on the bed to sit across from me.
"Once Jace and I fully mate I'll be a werewolf just like you!" I yelled happily.
"Yay! I'll finally have a girl wolf friend! Most of the girls around here are super stuck up." She cheered. "How are you holding up by the way with everything that's recently happened."
"I'm doing good, because of Jace though. I don't know what I'd do without him." 
"You are so in love!" She shrieked.
"No way!" I said rolling my eyes. We've been together for more than 2 months now. Was it possible for me to love so soon? He's not just a regular guy though. He's everything I could ask for in a guy.
"You do! I'm your best friend! You can tell me anything!" 
I do love him...
"Yes. I love him." I said. 

Sorry for the crappy chapter.. I know what I want to happen but I don't know how to get there! UGH! Also sorry for being late with my chapter): Hope you guys liked though!
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I'm Your Mate Chapter 19 "When's she going to wake

23 faves · Jul 28, 2013 9:15pm





werewolf · story · love

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