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I'm Your Mate
Chapter 18

I woke up and the feeling of nausea overtook me. I shoved Jace's arm off me that was crushing my body and ran to the bathroom.
"Avery?" I heard him say from the bedroom.
The bathroom door was closed and I didn't have time to wait so I opened the door and ran right for the toilet.
"He- Avery are you alright?" Derek said from the shower. I heard him get out and felt him hold my hair back for me.
After getting sick for a few more times I looked up and saw Derek was only in a towel.
"Where's Jace?" I ignored that and asked, weakly.
"Walking down the hall right now." He replied. I pushed myself up and held the sink to hold myself up. I rinsed out my mouth and brushed my teeth.
"Are you alright?" Jace asked running into the bathroom.
I ignored him and ran for the toliet again. Jace came up behind me and held my hair for me.
"What do you think is wrong with her?" Jace asked Derek who was sitting on the tub.
"She could just be sick?" He asked.
"I marked her last night there's no way she is just sick." He replied.
"You're really going through with that? Having her go through what we have to except worse!" Derek shouted.
"Go call the pack doctor. I told him he could have today off." Jace growled ingoring what Derek just said. While they were talking I didn't stop puking. I've never been like this before. Could Jace's mark do this to me?
"It's alright, baby." Jace soothed rubbing my back. "The doctors on the way."
"I've never felt this sick in my entire life. What's wrong with me?" I mumbled inbetween getting sick.
"I have no idea." He sighed.
Just then the doctor came walking into the bathroom. "You have to bring her to my office, now." Jace picked me up in his arms and carried me down the stairs and into the office. He layed me down on one of the beds.
"I'm going to put and iv into your arm because with all this vomitting you're going to get dehydrated." 
I flinched slightly as he stuck the needle into my arm, but it didn't hurt as bad as I though it was going to.
"Okay what happened?" He asked taking a seat beside me. I closed my eyes taking deep breaths as another feeling of nausea took over.
"I marked her last night," Jace answered for me. "and she woke up puking this morining. I have no idea what it could be."
I tightened my grip on the bucket beside me on the bed.
"I'm going to give her some medicine for the vomiting to stop, but I have to put it in with the iv because I don't want her vomiting it up. It should work within the next 10 mintues." He said. putting the medicine in my iv bag.
"Why am I so sick? Was it because Jace marked me?" I asked slowly.
"I'm not sure yet. I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable before I ran any tests." He said. After the doctor took my blood he went into a different room to run some tests. A sharp pain in my stomach made me double over.
"Ow, Jace, it hurts. Make it stop." I cryed squeezing his hand.
"I have your blood test for you." The doctor coming back with a clip board. I suddenly felt wetness pool between my legs.
"How come I smell blood?" Jace asked confused. He pulled off the sheet that was covering me. The wetness between my legs was blood!
"W-why.." I stuttered "Why is there blood between my legs." I was most definitely not on my period. Period. I can't remember the last time I had mine. It's always been irregular so I guess I never thought about it.
"Well what's wrong with her?!" Jace growled at the doctor.
"She's pregnant." He said. My jaw dropped, literally.
"Get it out of me." I spat. "I don't want it." Jace and the doctor looked at my like I had 3 heads.
"Don't just stand there! Get it out of me!" I shouted at the doctor.
"What's wrong?" Jace asked lightly grabbing my face.
"The baby's Colton's" I whispered, tears beginning to stream down my face. He's the only guy I've ever been with. "That's why I don't want it. I don't want to be tied to him. If I have his kid then I'll be tied to him forever and I can't have that. I'm finally free."
I looked up at the doctor. "There's something else.." He said. "You're having a miscarrige. Once Jace marked you, your body began regecting the baby causing you to have a miscarriage. But I should operate on you. It will be much faster and hurt less." 
"Okay, do it." I said. "Can I get out of this bed and a change of clothes? I don't like being covered in blood."
"Here's this hospital gown to put on." He said putting one on the bed by my feet. "I'll go get the operating room prepped and come back for you."
"Can you help me out of bed?" I weakly asked Jace. He picked me up bridal style out of bed and set me on my feet on the floor. 
"My little angel." He whispered lightly stroking my cheek with the back of his pointer finger. While the other hand was placed on my hip preventing me from falling.
"Can you help me take my clothes off?" 
He chuckled. "Oh how I wish this was an entirely different situation." I let out a little giggle as well.
He pulled his t-shirt that I put on last night over my head leaving me in only panties.
He groaned. "Sorry." I mumbled covering myself with my arms.
He lightly pulled my arms away from my body. "Don't ever hide from me." He growled.
I started feeling dizzy so grabbed his upper arms to steady myself. "I want to shower. I feel gross." I mumbled.
"After. Let's get you dressed and into surgery now." He soothed. 
I finished getting dressed and made my way into the surgery room with Jace.
How is Jace going to want me after this?

What do you guys think?!? Let me know! <3
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I'm Your Mate Chapter 18 I woke up and the feeling of nausea

20 faves · 4 comments · Jul 24, 2013 8:39pm





love · story · werewolf

wanderer* · 1 decade ago
Can't wait for the next one! I'm hooked! Do you notify?!
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xgabbyx · 1 decade ago
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wanderer* · 1 decade ago
Ok then reminder please!
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roses_in_the_fire* · 1 decade ago
Class this is just pure brilliance I cannot wait for the next chapter
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