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Love Lies
Chapter 1

"Bridgette," Grace started cautiously as they entered the large building. She stared at the ugly brown tiles, focusing on the quick little snapping noise her pink flats made as they hit the stone. "I have to ask you something, and you can't get mad at me." This would either go really well, or really bad. Bridgette would either completely flip and start screaming, or laugh it all off. She was so unpredictable sometimes. "Okay?" Bridgette asked, wondering what Grace was up to. "Nick's been gone from 3 months. How have you dealt with that? We both know you don't do so well with long distance relationships. Remember Ben?" she asked. Ben was a jock, star hockey player, but kind of a jerk, and definitely stupid. He was attractive though, all the girls melted over him. He had hooked up with Bridgette a few times over the summer, and eventually they made it official. After 2 weeks of Ben travelling with the team, Bridgette got bored and hooked up with the swim team. Ben came home and found out, and that was the end of that. Most guys didn't care that Bridgette hooked up with other guys, though, because if you were dating her you got the most action, and usually the best, too. "I've had a few friends keep me busy, nothing major. I haven't gotten any action since Nick left, it's killing me," Bridgette whined. Grace thought about how obnoxious Bridgette was, she wondered why she hung out with someone like her. Then she remembered 7th grade. She had spent most of the year being teased about her glasses and how she always read. The summer before 8th grade she got contacts, and only read on her phone so it looked like texts. She started using make up and working out, and now she had a killer body. The only thing she needed was to be noticed, and what better way to be noticed than to hang with the school s//ut? "What do you mean keep you busy then?" Grace questioned her. "Mmmm, the usual foreplay. We'll listen to music, and I'll walk over and-" Bridgette started to explain. "ENOUGH!" Grace cut her off. "I don't need a play by play, Bridge. C'mon, I want to get to P.E. early, Josh Haffet just got transferred to our class," she finished by changing the subject to Josh. He was even more perfect than Nick. Bridgette would never admit it, but Grace knew she liked Josh. He may be the one boy she wouldn't cheat on. Josh and Nick were best friends, and Grace knew she was only using Nick to get to Josh. Nick was sweet, he would be so heartbroken when Bridgette finally got Josh. It wasn't an if, Bridgette always got the boy she wanted. After all, if your legs are the doorway to Narnia you do have an advantage over most of the male population. 
Author's Note:       Chapter 1. If you haven't read the prologue you should. It explains a little bit more about what kind of people Bridgette and Nick are. Grace is still sort of unknown I guess? An extra.

Alll Time Note:       Okay, hi. I guess I'm trying something new here. I haven't seen a story like what I'm planning on making happen in this one yet on Witty, but I've seen better ones. Read please I guess? I just want feedback. Even if you only read a chapter, and tell me it sucks and my grammar sucks and I need better word choice. I don't care. I want feedback. Follow if you like it, I guess. I'll do notifs if anyone actually wants to read this.... :/ (My bio explains my feelings on my writing if it isn't obvious enough)

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Love Lies Chapter 1 "Bridgette," Grace started cautiously

2 faves · 5 comments · Jul 18, 2013 9:39pm





love · lies · chapter1 · lovelies · story

Lifehappens · 1 decade ago
Please notify me when you make more stories! :) This one was GREAT!!
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ScaredToDeath · 1 decade ago
Thanks, will do!
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*gloomy* · 1 decade ago
Better than a lot of stories I've seen on here, I must say.
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ScaredToDeath · 1 decade ago
Woah, that seriously made me do a double take! I was sending a rant text and then there's a random "OMFG I JUST GOT A GREAT COMMENT" gushing. Thanks, that seriously means a lot. I hate it when people read what I write because I use a lot of weird and different ideas and sometimes I write graphically. But damn, thanks, I seriously don't know what to say. Although I guess for someone with no words this is a pretty long comment xD
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*gloomy* · 1 decade ago
:)No problem man, glad to make you so happy.
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