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What 18 year old boy doesn't have a facebook? Oh that's right the only one I'm crushing on. I have to actually look through the yearbook to see pictures of him.
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What 18 year old boy doesn't have a facebook? Oh that's right

4 faves · 27 comments · Jun 12, 2013 10:12pm





love · pictures · funny · lol · life · awkward · crush · facebook · flirty · whydoesthishappentome

♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
I know that feeling.

The guy I like a lot has a Facebook, but he like never goes on. He doesn't even have a phone to text with. And forget e-mailing. He like doesn't ever check anything ever.

So forget communicating with him. :s The worst part is, we're all graduated and what not. So I guess I can just forget about contacting him ever again. :S
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
That sucks! Mine has a phone, but I graduated a year before him (but we're the same age) so I can't exactly go up to him now and be like "I want your phone number." Because then it might creep him out (a lot). I've known him since we were 4 and I've been crushing on him since then, but on the plus side I'm friends with him on myspace. (That's kind of sad)
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
I went to mine's graduation party yesterday. I had a lot of fun but now I just can't stop thinking about him even more and I don't know what to do. :/ I just want to sleep/cry all day. D:

Do you still use MySpace? Lol.
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
I've logged on lately, but that was only because it was killing me that I didn't remember my password (took me like 3 days) and go up to his house and kiss him. Then look at him and if he looks like "uh wtf" walk away without a word and never go back :p haha but if he's like smiling then kiss him again :) (I give really bold advice.)
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Ah, I haven't been on MySpace in, God, forever. Lol. I used to go on it like everyday. Lol.

And that advice sounds very intriguing, and I would love to do that. But you see, the whole issue is getting to his house. I can't very well ask my brother or mom to drive me to his house just so I can boldly kiss him and leave right after.

Not to mention I'm extremely awkward and wouldn't have the guts to do it when the moment came.

I think I'll just like, idk. Message him on Facebook and e-mail him, telling him that whenever he gets on to message me because I want to tell him something. And then if he messages me eventually, just be like, "Yeah I really like you a lot." and see where it goes from there.

Either that I could somehow convince someone to take me to his work, Taco Bell, and stalk him out there where I won't feel intimidated by him being at his house, lol.

Thanks for the advice, anyway. :D

Oh, and I noticed we're allowed to thumb up comments now so that's why all of our comments have 100 thumbs up, lol.
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
Now I really want a taco :) haha but good luck man, I really hope it works out for you. My cute guy works at hannafords so whenever I need groceries I get to go stare at his pretty face and completely forget what I needed, and then have to go back because I didn't pick it up the first time.
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Haha, I don't even like Taco Bell. Good thing it's a Taco Bell/KFC combined restaurant. ;D I love KFC. Every time I go there, I hope he's working. Haha. Instead of ordering food just be like, "I would like... that man back there. The cute one in the Taco Bell uniform. Yes, that will be to go." ;D

But, thanks. I just like him a lot and I just can't stop thinking about him. So it's really frustrating. :S

I'm not sure what Hannafords is, lol. Maybe next time you're there you should talk to him, lol. Be like, "What's up man? I like your face." ;D
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
He knew I had a crush on him when we were younger and he moved his seat closer to mine on the bus, but then he found out my friend had a crush on him and he moved his seat like 10 seats back. Which made me feel special, and I really should but my mom refuses to leave my side, even though I'm 18. And hannafords is a grocery store, no cds or anything just food and stuff for animals and alcohol. I just wanna jump on him :D
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
He was working today :D I walked in and seriously me and him seem to have a connection cause we will both turn around and look at each other even if we don't know the other person is there. (Happened like 3 times now) and when he caught my eye I couldn't look away and it seemed like he couldn't either, until a stupid customer asked him a question. :(
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Haha, you should totally jump on him one of those times when you see him there. xD

I know that feeling of looking that special person in the eyes. It's an amazing feeling. I can't count how many times it happened between the guy I like and I. And let me tell you, he has amazing eyes and I could just stare into them forever. *sigh*

What's his name, by the way?

Mine's name is Tyler, lol.
Ugh. I'm going psycho with my feelings for him.
I can't take it sometimes and I just want to cry and cry. </3
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
You have got to be kidding me mines name is Tyler too. And I understand, the feeling in your gut when you see him it just hurts but also its the most amazing feeling ever. But yeah if I jumped on him I'm pretty sure he would be like "uh wtf are you doing."
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Are you serious? xD I think that's awesome they have the same name, haha. His initials are TAK. :3

And exactly. Like, when I was at his graduation party, I was so, so happy. Yet, so, so sad because I really like him and I just don't have the guts to say so. I wish I could go back in time and tell him then. Because I really regret not doing it. I mean, at least if I told him and he didn't feel the same way, I could get over him easier because I wouldn't have that "what if he likes me" feeling all the time. :(

Lol, well maybe don't jump on him. But at least talk to him or something. Lol. Jumping on a person seems a bit extreme anyway. xD
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
Yeah, I know it does. And I don't remember my tylers middle name (I knew it when we were kids) but his last name starts with s. And I wouldn't jump on him because I don't like being off of the ground, but I think I will talk to him next time, because he should be going off to college soon and all of that fun stuff. And he knew I liked him I just wish I had asked him if he liked me back because it seemed like he did for a while there. I'm just hoping that its not too late.
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
I always called him Tyler Ann, because it sounded cool. xD He always told me to stop because it wasn't his middle name. I was like, close enough. x)

Lol, want to know something funny/weird that happened with him? O_O

I hope that things work out for you, though. I'm sure he likes you. You're really nice. :)
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
Yeah I wanna know :) and thanks you are too! It'd be awesome if we both got out tylers :) (well my ex boyfriend was named tyler but he was a douche)
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Well, we were talking on Facebook.
And he ended up sending me a picture.
A picture of his ... yeah.

Basically what happened, was he sent me a link to this website.
A dirty website, that is.
And he told me he was doing "dirty things."
I said I didn't believe him, because I didn't.
He asked if I wanted a pic.
Well, not believing he was serious, I said yeah.
Then he asked if I was sure, and I said, "sure... do it, you won't. o.O"

And sure enough, he did it.
I checked my e-mail and BOOM there it was.

So, yeah.

And it would be awesome.
I went to Taco Bell/KFC today with my brother.
Tyler was working.
He was on his lunch break I guess.
I walked in and he saw me and waved and I was like, "Hi. Fancy seeing you here" and he was like, "I told you I worked here."
I didn't really talk to him much more than that because I felt like I was disturbing him during his lunch break and I didn't want to do that. Then when I left, I was awkwardly waiting for my brother and so I was standing by the door where he just happened to be near emptying a garbage can and I awkwardly waved and said, "Well, bye." and he was like, "Bye.." and I told him to have fun and he laughed a bit and said he would.

Then I left. But, omg. I was so freaking out the entire time I was there. I literally felt sick to my stomach. Ugh. :s

But yeah, that would be awesome if we both dated Tylers. Haha. xD
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
Knowing just how mean I am if I were you and you started dating and then he broke up with you I would print the picture out and send it to him at work. But that is really kinda awkward but also kinda funny and cute at the same time. The last time I talked to my tyler was on my birthday last year and I was playing pass with my best friend and I didn't know he was there so I threw the ball over this like chip castel thing in the middle of the aisle right as he was standing up and I hit him in the head. He laughed a lot and handed me back the ball but I couldn't stop apologizing to him.
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Lol, I don't even have the picture anymore.
I was really upset with him one time and I deleted
all of our messages. He made me cry so I didn't want
to have his message to read and cry over.

Lol, it was more awkward than anything for me.
I mean, it's not like I've never seen one before.
But, you know, it was weird for me because I had
liked the kid for a long time and just, idk.

Omg. One time in the library, we were sitting at a table with this other chick who was like, obsessed with him. And he knew it. He didn't like her, though and thought she was really creepy. Well he made the comment during that moment that he had on spandex shorts and he would show me if the whole class wasn't there. And I was like, "...oh?" and he was like, "Yeah. Also, they're see through and I don't want Sam to see me naked." and I was like, "Oh my God. But you have no problem sending pictures of your d/ck to random people?" and he was like, "You're not random..."

I was like, all righty then. O_o

Lol! You hit him in the head? xD Good aim. ;D Lol. At least he wasn't mad at you, lol. And had a sense of humour about it. ;D
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
I think he was used to it cause I used to hit him in the head all the time in baseball. And he seems to really like you! Omg last night at like midnight this kid I have a crush on (not tyler) sent me a link to onesexchat.com and his username and everything then emailed me back almost instantly apologizing because it was meant for someone else. Then about 5 minutes later he emails me again explaining that he almost sent me a picture. We ended up talking for like an hour after that. :)
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Lol, nah man. I'm used to you hitting me. ;D

He does seem like he likes me, doesn't he? :S
One time, we were sitting in class and he was like, "So, guess what?" and I was like, "What?" and he was like, "Ah, never mind. I don't wanna tell you. It's awkward." I was like, "No, no. I don't care. Tell me." and he was like, "Ugh. Okay." and I waited a few seconds and he was like, "Well, in first hour, I randomly got a b/ner. And so I stayed in the class since it's my second hour, too because I didn't want people to see." I was like, "...well. That's cool. Just randomly getting a b/ner, eh?"

Sometimes our friendship got very weird.
One time in class, he tried to get me to look down at his crotch area. I was like, nooooo. We were sitting kind of secluded at a table by ourselves but I was afraid he was going to do something and cause a scene. It was so awkward, omg. He actually got me to look because he held something up and I looked at it. Then he moved it down to his lap and of course my eyes were locked onto the object and so I looked down and omg. There was a visual bulge there. I just can't. Lol.

LOL. He sent you a link to onesexchat.com? Lol, I don't even know what that is. xD Did you end up going on there and adding him and did he ever send you the picture? Lol. xD
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
No I didn't go on because I promised I wouldn't because he was so embarrassed. And no he just gave me a warning that one will probably show up in my inbox at some point. It just made me laugh so hard. And its a website where you can watch people pretty much. And I've had a few experiences like that, my friends were kinda awkward in highschool
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Lol, good thing you kept true to your word and didn't. That would be extremely awkward and weird.

And well then. I'm going to have to check that website out. Just kidding, lol.

That's honestly something I miss the most about him. Lol. Because he was the only person that acted that way and talked that way towards me. :S
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
Go to taco bell and order a nacho bell grande with a side of hot tyler. :) I bet that would make his day :)
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Lol, omg.

Well, he doesn't work as a cashier. So I'd have to be like, "Can I have a Nacho Bell Grande with a side of your hot co-worker, Tyler. That will be to go." To go to my bedroom! lol idk what I'm even saying anymore.

OMG. what if he somehow found my Witty and somehow read these comments. x_x
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
Just don't post any links to your facebook and you should be fine :) haha but also if he found these then maybe he would like you too :D
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♪♫Losτ Sταrs♫♪* · 1 decade ago
Haha, he doesn't get on Faceook that much anyway. xD

Lol. I should purposely link him to this quote. Be like "Here. This is what I've been wanting to tell you since like forever."
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beebessey · 1 decade ago
Yes you should! Absolutely! That would be so amazing :) I would have absolutely no way to do that...
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