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Sister's new bestFriend.
"Ryan, get up." My sister yelled, throwing a towel at me. "Take a shower we're going to the mall today." I got up, rubbing my eyes.
"Why do I have to go?" She smirked, which only meant one thing. I was driving. 
"Ugh, okay, I'll be ready in a half hour." I hopped in the shower, the water felt nice on my back. "Where's the hair dryer?" I yelled out to her, after getting dressed. 
She ran in in to me. Our mornings were boring, I must admit that. 
My natural brown hair was swooshed, and well, I looked like I hadn't slept for a week.
I had on my normal, "out for the day" clothes. Blue jeans, a tee, and my blue converse.
"Hurry! I'm going to be late!" My  sisgter yelled as I struggle to get every last drop of gas into the tank. The ride there was dreadful, she makes me listen to her little boy band songs, and I am pretty sure it's killing me.
"I can't wait for this sale!" I stepped on my brakes, and lookjed at her. "I got up, and dressed, for a sale?!" My sister couldn't have smiled any bigger. "Shoes Ryan, shoes." I parked the car and walked with her inside, taking out my wallet. "I'm getting something to eat, meet me in the food court, and I'll have your food." She hugged me. "I love you, big brother."
My sister and I weren't always close, but the loss of our favorite person in the world, brought us together about three years ago. Our grandmother raised us.
She passed from a car accident, stupid drunk driver. I miss her so much, she was a lot more pleasant than our dead beat of a father, and now we live with him.
"I would like, two medium orders of the Chicken and broccoli alfredo?" They handed me my tray, and 7 dollars later, we had our lunch. I sat at the table, looking around for my sister, and at first I didn't see her, I was too busy starting at the gorgeous girl she was walking with.
"Hello! Ryan? I asked if it'd be okay if she can sit with us?"
I nodded. "Of course." I said, almost knocking over the tray. "You have any food?"
She replied. "No, I don't have enough, I spent the money I had on these gorgeous shoes."
I couldn't help but smile at her, handing her 10 dollars. "Buy yourself a meal."
She chirped. "Really? Oh thank you!" she ran off to get a sub. My sister looked at me.
"Ryan...You feeling okay? You never give up your money to anyone." I smiled.
"It's just food." I started to gobble down the rest of my meal.
The next hour, they were talking all girly and stuff. "Well ladies, I'm going in the car, when you're done I'm ready to leave whenever."
My sister waved me away and I groaned. "If you aren't out in a half hour, I am leaving you here."
The other girl giggled, and waved. "See you later."
I smiled, walking to my car, letting out a deep breath.
"She's the most beautiful thing I've seen."

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Sister's new bestFriend. "Ryan, get up." My sister

3 faves · May 27, 2013 5:00pm





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