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Future Daughter: Did you ever go to any parties, Mom?

Me: Yep. I partied all night long!
In my head: On Witty...
Future son: Did you play any sports?
Me: Are you kidding me?! I was so athletic!
In my head: You know, surfing the web and all...

Future grandchild: Grandma, what was it like having a cell phone without being able to time travel with it?
Me: It was tough. Very tough. But all the texts I got from my friends made up for it!

In my head: What texts? Actually, what friends?

Future husband: How did you become so hot?

Me: I guess it's just natural ;)

In my head: Actually, I looked like I'd been run over by a monster truck a couple up until a couple

years ago. Then I fell into a radioactive pond and I came out looking like a goddess! I'm sure the

negative effects will kick in any day or so.
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Future Daughter: Did you ever go to any parties, Mom? Me: Yep.

6 faves · May 21, 2013 5:18pm





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