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Four leaf clover   chapter one     ''Things will get better, but they will never be the same'' this quote crosses my mind as im lifting boxes from dads van into the new house. We cant lie when were upset we go on the interenet and look up motivational and inspirational quotes in hope that we may feel better and you just sit there looking at the screen thinking about life; what you've lost and what you've gained over the years.wow.   Oh I'm Eleanor if you wondering who's saying all this crap about quotes and your probably expecting me to tell you that something tragic has happened and may not survive, well no not quite i'm moving in with my dad which explains the boxes right? yeah well my mum and dad divorced and i moved in with dad and Jasmine stayed with mum.     Oh and heres the catch, just like any other 15 year old girl I have a massive crush on this boy called Deane... I bet you've never read a teenage love story before 'ey. I should introduce myself properly really, Well I'm Eleanor Bishop and I'm your normal boring girl. My height is average, my eyes are green and my hair is a blondey/brown colour. This bit is where I normally tell you about a hobbie I'm really good at but unfortuently I dont have a hobbie that I'm really good at, infact there isnt much im good at oh and school yeah im failing that too how brilliant right! I live in the boring country side in England, no I dont live near the queen and no not all the boys in my school look like one direction or anything.   Oh my bestfriend? yeah I have one and let me tell you she's so weird but then again so am I. Her names Florence, I thought I'd better tell you as your gonna hear her name in this story quite a lot.        
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Four leaf clover chapter one ''Things will get better,

2 faves · May 19, 2013 4:14pm





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