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No matter what point of history you go to,
it's always white people f.cking sh.t up for everyone.
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No matter what point of history you go to, it's always white

176 faves · 12 comments · May 10, 2013 5:39pm





funny · history · truestorybro

petrichor · 1 decade ago
Using caucasian to describe white (or European, which I think everyone is trying to get at?) is actually r4cist and outdated, as people who are from Caucasus are actually Caucasian. (If googled, you could find quite a lot of articles on it.)
Moreover, Mexicans are not the monolith for Latin@s, so I don't think it would be a good idea to group them all that way.

But yeah I agree with this quote (I just wish that you sourced the original post on Tumblr for it.)
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
Caucasian is a general term to describe whites and is not considered r.acist. If it was people would make a huge deal out of it being politically incorrect. If it was r.acist, it wouldn't still be on medical forms. Personally, I do not consider it r.acist. I'm French Canadian, German, Polish, and Luxembourger, none of which are in the Caucasus region. I don't know anyone who finds it offensive.
I was using the example that they didn't look like Mexicans because the person below obviously believed that. If they hadn't then they wouldn't have said anything about the Spanish having done stupid things.
And I did not find this on Tumblr. I was talking to my friend about history and I said this to her.
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petrichor · 1 decade ago
Of course you wouldn't find it r4cist because you're not from the Caucasus region. It's an outdated term, as said before. N*gg*r is a general term that was used to describe majority of Black people however people acknowledge the r4cism ideology behind it and realize how it's outdated.

And perhaps that you saying it in a conversation with your friend is coincidental, as I do repeat things that others have said, however I have seen a post on Tumblr like this
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
I have friends I've met who are from the Caucasus region (Russia, Armenia, and Turkey) and they said it isn't offensive. Also my friends are ethnically Armenian and they don't find it offensive. I understand that that is the time of which it began to be used. However, since it is still being used in the USA (the most politically correct place ever), I assume that those who are from the Caucasus region that live here also do not find it offensive.

That's great. But have you ever heard of the idea of original thought (I think that's the name of it)? It states that because the world is so old and there are so many people who currently live on Earth and who have lived on Earth that no thought you have and nothing you say is original and that someone else has already thought or said it. An example of that has just occurred here.
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Diffeautiful · 1 decade ago
The spainish did their share of stupid things too.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
The Spanish are Caucasian (white). They do not look like the stereotypical Mexicans shown on TV.
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kiaranine · 1 decade ago
well by white they mean some form of european
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KissesintheRain · 1 decade ago
*ra. cist (Steve blocks the word O.o)
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
I don't understand why he blocked the word...
Ah I see. I don't think people would have said it was r.cist if you posted it. It's the truth.
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KissesintheRain · 1 decade ago
I love how if I would've posted this , I would've had "" in all my comments
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
What do you mean by " "?
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CaitlinAtTheDisco* · 1 decade ago
She means crap. That happens when you try and say a swear word on witty. -.-
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