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What does depression
feel like?

it feels like you're stuck in the tides of a
roaring ocean, tearing you done with each and
every wave. It feels like you're trying
to save yourself, struggling
for a breath of air, but every time
you get a chance to breath, the waves
push you back down again. It feels like there's
no hope to saving yourself;
because you are
drowning, drowning drowning.
It feels like the waves are the weight of the world, and
they're drowning you, pushing you down every
second you try to push
yourself up again. It feels like you're hoping; hoping
for someone to save you, but the waves keep
pushing you back instead, you see, the waves
are the sadness,
and in each tide, the sadnes pulls you in deeper,
and at one point,
you just let yourself
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What does depression feel like? it feels like you're stuck

2 faves · 1 comments · May 8, 2013 3:03pm





depression · ocean · waves · feelslike · advice

Amenah · 1 decade ago
This breaks my heart.
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