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So there is this 21 year old guy and 18 year old guy. Lets call them Tim, 21, Damion, 18. Tim is 21 years old but is mentally about 16. He isnt brain damaged or mentally handicapped, just... different. He likes girls that are 7 or so years younger then him and just has an immature personality. I am the kind of person to where i can't leave people like this alone. I HAVE to help them. Morally i have to. Damion is my ex boyfriend and i just love hanging out with him because he is my role model and i look up to him. Tim is my so called "project" im working on him and trying to get him to like other girls older then him and im working on him being more mature. He is getting so much better but my parents dont want me to hang out with either of them because Tim is a so called "pedophile" and Damion drinks heavily. Marina a 14 year old FRESHMEN is threatening me to tell my parents that i am in contact with both of them. She has done this before three times and its ruined my life almost. My boyfriend (ex now) cheated on me with her and she has back stabbed me so many times i cant count. She has tried to steal my guys and... sadly is supposed to be my best friend. She recently found out i was in contact with Tim and Damion again and is threatening to tell my parents... agian. After i have a job, a car, and finally texting now. i can't let her do this. I got her to shut her mouth by promising not to talk to him, but it feels like i am being threatening and being scared into submission by a f/cking FRESHMEN. i dont want to live my life looking over my shoulder when i hang out with them and watching what i say around her... what the hell do i doo??????????
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Advice?? So there is this 21 year old guy and 18 year old guy.

1 faves · 2 comments · May 7, 2013 12:10am





anger · pissedoff · shaking · away messages

BravoSierra · 1 decade ago
First, no guy is your "project". If society can't accept who he is, then it's society's problem, not yours.
Second, of your parents don't want you to talk to him, there's a good reason. If you talk to him anyways, you'll probably regret it.
Third, if your friends really treat you like that, find better friends.
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HelloSmileyFace · 1 decade ago
Its my personality to help him into the person he needs to be. I cant NOT help him. And my parents are really annoying the only thing i agree with is number 3 and she is NOT my friend anymore >.< thanks though for the advice :)
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