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2 faves · 15 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




Kuraichu* · 1 decade ago
I do care, too!! ;-; *gives you an virtual tight hug*
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CharliesTheName · 1 decade ago
I have no idea who or are or anything about you. I just know that you posted this quote less than an hour ago and all that I have the authority to say it that you shouldn't kill yourself.
I've been bullied, too. It really sucks. There are people who think they're being friendly and just teasing you but they're really just tearing you apart. There are people who are purposely trying to make you miserable - you don't want them to succeed. By killing yourself, you're letting them know that they won the battle and that they have the right and authority to do the same to your friends and family. Not only that, but your friends and family will spend their entire lives wondering what they did wrong and blame themselves. Do you really want to put that pressure on the people who you love?
And if you don't know what else to do, listen to music and try hobbies to calm yourself down. Again, I don't know you or anything about you so I'm just spitballing here, but listen to music that might have some concepts similar to what you're experiencing. I listen to Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, and tons of other bands to calm down. You can start doing art. I personally like to make sketches of my role models. Maybe start writing poetry or songs or even just playing an instrument. You have no idea how many times I've just picked up my guitar or sat down at my piano and just played what I felt and immediately felt better.
I'm not sure if any of this did or is going to help you like it helps me every day, but I think you should seriously consider finding a new hobby or something to distract yourself from any terrible feelings like you obviously are now. Comment on my profile if you ever want to talk to me and I promise that I'll reply. Please.
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Night_stuck* · 1 decade ago
I'm glad you care...I wont be hurting myself anytime soon...I'll try your suggestions, thank you for caring...it means ALOT to me, its nice of you to try to help me though you know nothing about me or who i am...thank you very much :)
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CharliesTheName · 1 decade ago
good. I'll make sure to keep up with how you're doing :)
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Night_stuck* · 1 decade ago
k i will :D
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Onism* · 1 decade ago
Please don't kill yourself.
You're young and you have your whole life ahead of you that you can make so much out of.
You cou change the world someday but only if youre alive.
Bullies aren't worth your life, if anything, theyre not even worth caring about.
People do care, I dont even know you, But I care, so does fizzyglowingrock13. We wouldn'twant you to end your life and please just think about it okay? :(
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Night_stuck* · 1 decade ago
you obviously haven't read the replies to her...I'm not hurting myself anytime soon...but it means ALOT that you care...:) thank you
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Onism* · 1 decade ago
and youre welcome
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fizzyglowingrock13 · 1 decade ago
Dont end your life because somebody is so insecure about themselves that they feel the need to pick on other people its sick and there are alot of people that care about you think before you take something that you can never get back something so fragile and precious you will be hurting so many people around you my brother almost did it and I KNOW that I wouldnt be able to cope without him you may think its the only way out but its not please dont do this. <3
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Night_stuck* · 1 decade ago
I'll give it a week..if it gets worse..im leaving life
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fizzyglowingrock13 · 1 decade ago
please dont. Lots of people care about you, you just have to listen to me and not do this
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Night_stuck* · 1 decade ago
T_T i dont think anyone would care..I was stabbed with scissors today...they obviously wanted to kill me Im over with life...I'm sorry
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fizzyglowingrock13 · 1 decade ago
I would care! I dont even know you very well but you are pretty and funny! (I just read some of your quotes) and your family would care you cant do this because of a couple of do*chebags who will probably end up going no where in life there is always someone who will care please dont do this life is to important to throw away like this you will NEVER get it back, you will never get to play with your pets again if you have any and you will never get to hug your mom or watch sports with your dad or argue with your siblings people dont realise what bullying can do to someone and the people who are bullied dont know how to handle it and this is definetly not the way there are other ways just please dont choose this one
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Night_stuck* · 1 decade ago
fine...ill stay..but only for you cos i know atleast you care
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fizzyglowingrock13 · 1 decade ago
thank you <3 it will get better i can promise you that
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