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"I don't believe in God."
Did that one simple sentence change how you think of me? Should I be judged and ridiculed for having my own opinion? You can say and think what you want, but when it comes time for others to voice their opinions you want to shut them down? We all think differenly. My point is, everyone will have a different view or opinion on something, it doesn't give you the right to bash them. If you don't want someone saying rude things to you, then why would you do it to them? I respect everyones opinions, until my opinion gets disrepected. Ever heard that saying "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all?" This is one of those times. I won't go around telling you that you shouldn't believe, so don't even bother telling me that I should.

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"I don't believe in God." Did that one simple sentence

1 faves · 5 comments · Mar 18, 2013 7:12pm



marie1616 happy witty anniversary!


opinion · yupp · dealwithit · requests

AlpacaPerson · 1 decade ago
I'm sorry that some Christians have given us all a bad name :(
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marie1616 happy witty anniversary! · 1 decade ago
I have nothing against Religious people, I've met Christians who were perfectly fine, who I have gotten along with, I just believe something differently and for a lot of people they feel the need to push it down my throat, and I feel like that is wrong, I'm not doing it to them, I deserve the same respect.
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AlpacaPerson · 1 decade ago
Yea you do, idk why some Christians go all crazy and try to force people to convert.
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wannabe · 1 decade ago
Don't worry, I'm an atheist too..
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marie1616 happy witty anniversary! · 1 decade ago
I just think it's ridiculous seeing how some people talk to others simply because of there lack of religion. It's pathetic.
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