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Today he kissed me It was perfect.
We were sitting on the bleachers in the soccer court, and it was really hot and he was complaining (it's summer here, and it's still hot in winter so..). And he was showing me this application on his phone, and so I leaned in to watch, and after awhile I noticed we were really really close and my head was on his shoulder, and his on mine, just watching the app.

And, soon, he put his arm behind me and made my head go on his chest, and we just stayed like that, not even on his phone anymore. Just watching the game. And he'd run his fingers up and down my back, and my thigh, so slowly, not in a perverted way. And he'd move me forward and just, hold me. And kiss my neck. And when I went back to being on his shoulder, I'd catch him just, looking at me sometimes. And we'd just look at eachother.

I wanted to kiss him so badly, and then he was leaving.
He said bye, and I hated myself for not having the courage to just kiss him. But then, he turned to me, still leaning on him, and kissed me for what seemed like the longest time ever. And then he hugged me, and he went home.

It was romatic, it was cute. Not perverted and sexual.
But you would think it was, if before writting that I had told you that I'm fourteen, and he's eighteen
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Today he kissed me ♡ It was perfect. We were sitting on the

6 faves · 3 comments · Feb 14, 2013 9:42am





love · valentines · kiss · story

Loopy23 · 1 decade ago
That's so sweet... It doesn't matter how old you are! Damn society for being so stupid =)
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Filthy · 1 decade ago
Thanks for understanding! :$ it should be about maturity, kind of. he acts fourteen and people say I act sixteen. so what's the problem? :s
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Loopy23 · 1 decade ago
Age is completely irrelevant... If you're happy why do people want to ruin it!
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