Witty Profiles

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Chapter 2
Back Door

       The silence was finally broken. Ricky looked at me and said "Are you cutting class?" I replied quick. "Is that any of your business?" I asked, trying my hardest not to sound smart. I was scared. What did I just say? As if it reallt mattered. Ricky had no intrest in talking to me. His mouth raised into a smirk "Come on, I'll sneak you in." I was so excited, Ricky talked to me & He's helping me sneak into the gym? This can't be real life! Good thing I'm an expert at hiding my emotions. He got up walked past all four of the gym teachers offices peeking in each one making sure no one was looking and waved his hand and I knew that meant for me to come. I swiftly walked past all of the doors, thankfully unnoticed. He turned the corner and I wasn't sure if I should follow him but I did. I walked into the gym, but he wasn't in there. The bell finally rang and I was so eexcited to go home and tell Dee all about it. I walked out of the front doors and went to get into my dad's car, and I seen Ricky standing and talking to about eight of his friends. He looked at me and quickly pulled his eyes  away from mine. What was that about? oh well, and I hopped in my dads car.
     I got home and went straight to my room and plopped onto my bed. My phone finally rang and sure enough it was Dee. "Hello?" "I heard you weren't in 7th period today? well aren't you just a cool cat?" I broke out into laughter. "A cool cat? Dee I have a story for you." I think she was more excited then I was. After I told her what had happened she was silent and finally said "Olivia you're my hero." 
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Chapter 2 Back Door The silence was finally broken. Ricky looked

0 faves · Feb 4, 2013 2:08am





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