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I think Steve should open School Of Wittians (SOW)
Where everyone is reminded they're beautiful everyday.
You get two cats as part of the welcoming package.
Everyday you get to eat anything you like and stay in perfect shape.
Everyone is happy.
Our followers get chocolates from us everyday with personal notes.
Where Steve just goes around and we worship him and when we see him we shall all bow and kiss his feet.
There's a music room where you can blast your music and no one cares.
Where if you hold a blade to your skin it turns to dust.
Where you wont be judged.
Where society will be different.
And we can quote anything and it wont seem weird (Nor will it be questioned)
And you get A+ for making quotes and just it's like a big party everyday.

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I think Steve should open School Of Wittians (SOW) Where everyone

44 faves · Jan 26, 2013 6:11pm





school · witty · steve · voldemort · love

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