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I started to peel the orange with my fingers and she said
"why don't you use your teeth?" So I put the orange to my mouth and broke the leathery skin. I pulled the skin off
and she was looking intensely at me. She moved closer to me on the bench.
I took her meaning, and I pulled the slice off the orange
and started to hand it to her. She took my arm and
brought the orange slice up to her mouth. She was
looking at the fruit now and brought it up to her lips
then ate it.
She and I fed each other the orange. We took turns
tearing slices out of the orange and putting each slice
in each other's mouth. She looked in my face sometimes
when she took a bite of the orange.
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I started to peel the orange with my fingers and she said "why

0 faves · Jan 11, 2013 7:13pm




