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3 months to get a rocking body

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3 faves · 11 comments · Jan 5, 2013 12:02pm






1D_Babyyy · 1 decade ago
1-Don't think you need to change.
2-Obviously you didn't listen to the first step, so here are the rest.
3-Set a goal.
Tip: Don't make it too low! Start with -10 pounds. Then do -5 until you feel HEALTHY! YOU. WILL. NEVER. LOOK. THIN. TO. YOURSELF!!!! You may to everyone else, but you will judge yourself too hard, so don't get hurt
4-Watch what you eat. Bring a salad to school every day. Spice it up, though. Add some turkey or ham and some cheese, not too much, but just some.
5-Every morning, do just 25 sit ups/crunches. It won't show too much progress in the beginning, but TRUST me when I say it will improve!
6-Go for a run at least once a week. (More if possible.
Tip: Don't push it! If you can only run a half a mile, only run a half a mile. Your heart will slowly become more muscular over time. After maybe two weeks of hat, try a mile. DO NOT START WALKING ON YOUR RUN! (Eat food with a lot of calories before a run, or else you won't have anything to burn off, TRUST me on this!)
7- Eat eggs and Whole Wheat toast for breakfast. (NO WHITE BREAD!)
8-One serving of dinner, plus an extra serving of veggies
9-Dessert two to three days a week. Don't over-do it, but it's nice to treat yourself once in a while.
10-Drink plenty of water!
Tip: No liquids for two hours before bed.

Hope this helps, and remember, you're perfect!

(TIP: You may not lose as much weight as you want to...this is because you're building up muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, but muscle does not look bad :) Hope this helps! Good luck)
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Aidan · 1 decade ago
Just watch out what you're eating and try to run everyday. For food just go vegetables, fruits, fish, hole bread and lots of water. You don't have to starve yourself you know. Also try eggs for breakfast, with some hole bread; it'll keep you satisfied. Don't eat much for dinner, and no liquids two hours before you go to bed (or else you'll have to wake up to pee and it'll disturb your sleep. Run without stopping, it sounds hard but it's really good. Try 4 minutes, then 7, then 15. You don't have to rush, just take your time and pick a monotone speed.
Good luck and tell us how it goes.
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TheGodZapata · 1 decade ago
um a lot of zumba, just dance. All those dance games really help
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Rhyburgie2 · 1 decade ago
I do this ab workout and im starting to get abs if you wanna try it!
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Amzybabe98 · 1 decade ago
I'm trying to work on this too :] there's an old account on witty called "fitness" and if you scroll through her quotes, you'll find healthy snacks and workouts :) also the youtube videos by "blogilates" are great too :p
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Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted · 1 decade ago
Thank you so much c:
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Amzybabe98 · 1 decade ago
np! :3
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happiest* · 1 decade ago
Drink alot of water...And eat vegetables :)
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Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted · 1 decade ago
Thanks c: Do you happen to know how I can get a flat stomach? L
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happiest* · 1 decade ago
Oh i wanted that so bad in the sumer just check in youtube...Those videos helped me so much...I bet they'll help u to <3
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Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted · 1 decade ago
Thank you.c:
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happiest*Katherine *1D_Babyyy