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Saying someone shouldn't be GAY because it's against your religion,
Makes as much sense as saying someone shouldn't eat a donut because you're on a diet.
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Saying someone shouldn't be GAY because it's against

6 faves · 2 comments · Jan 4, 2013 9:43am






ajdavin · 1 decade ago
When people ask me my opinions on sexuality, I always say its not my right to judge them, however I don't support it. They are not lesser in my eyes because of it, but it is just my opinion.
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brooker121798 · 1 decade ago
I'm a lesbian.. But I know people don't support it. It doesn't bother me if they don't.. People have their own opinions for it, but it's just annoying being judged for it. Ya know? It's so tiring after a while. Especially when people in your family judge you for your sexual orientation. It sucks.
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