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There are so many people being bullied
who are being so strong right now.
It’s awful what people can do.
It’s heartbreaking to watch
someone being torn down.
It isn’t fair how the people who throw
daggers at others get flowers thrown at them.
Who are they to bring anyone misery and
what does it add to their lives? If it does,
is it worth someone else’s?
Would you really be that selfish
to making someone think they had to
kill themselves
because you
felt like having a laugh. Do you
realize that their life story might
bring you to tears?
I don’t care what they look like,
how they talk, how gross they seem,
how different they are, or how
inhuman they look to you, don’t you
dare say a word against them.

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There are so many people being bullied who are being so strong

42 faves · 1 comments · Dec 23, 2012 2:09pm






The Chosen One* · 1 decade ago
How can you make amazing quote and be soo super sweet and caring! Omg <3

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