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It Started With A Tweet
*A 1D Fanfic*

Chapter 4 Niall

It’s been a month since I first started talking to Sarah. You may think I’m absolutely nuts. Talking to a fan all about my personal life online where she can easily take a screen shot and expose it. She doesn’t seem like that type of person.

@Sarah_Tommo: people need 2 learn to not bother me with screams at 6:30. i am NOT  a morning person!

I laughed.

@NiallOfficial: hahahaha i’ll def remember that. note to self: don’t scream at Sarah at 6:30. got it. 

“Mate, whatcha laughing at?” asked Liam

“When is Niall not laughing?” asked Harry

“When he’s eating” replied Zayn

“I bet he told himself a joke that wasn’t even close to be funny” said Louis

“I bet he just understood your joke from 4 hours ago.”

“I BET IT’S THAT FAN!” yelled Zayn.

Yes I told the boys about her and probably more than once. My phone buzzed again. 

@Sarah_Tommo: well u gotta meet me first to be able to not scream at me.

That’s when the idea hit me. Maybe I’m crazy. Okay, scratch that. I’m definitely crazy, but there’s just something about her that makes me trust her. This could totally backfire in my face, but I was going to Skype her. Tonight. I can’t tell the boys, especially Liam. He’ll go on about how stupid and irresponsible that’d be. She used to tweet us probably 20 times each a day. It’s a worth a shot. 

@NiallOfficial: speaking of which. how long till u get out of school? xx

@Sarah_Tommo: 2 more hours. praise the lord! why? :)

@NiallOfficial: let me know when u get home! i’ve got a surpise xx


“WHAT?!” I looked up from my phone for the first time and noticed the boys were all staring at me. I guess I completely zoned out. Whoops.

“I said that we have a meeting tomorrow for MSG and then we leave by next Saturday.” said Liam

“That leaves Loverboy.. hm... carry the two.. 12 days till you get to see ‘Sarah the most wonderfulest fan in the entire world who’s just so AMAZING I just can’t handle it’”. Louis said.

“I have never said that in my life!” 

“You’ve said something along those lines” Harry replied.


“HAVE TOO!” Great now Zayn joined this argument. 


“WILL YOU STOP? I AM GETTING A HEADACHE!” yelled Daddy Direction. 

Everyone just started at him and mumbled a few harsh words and walked away. I didn’t care. I was officially going to meet Sarah, and nothing could bring me down. 

Author's note: Team NARAH? I now notify. Fave/comment. btw if anyone has a format they would let me use it'd be greatly appreciated:D 
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It Started With A Tweet *A 1D Fanfic* Chapter 4 Niall It’s

3 faves · Dec 20, 2012 5:38pm






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