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Quote #6508438

8 faves · 9 comments · Dec 18, 2012 8:58am






greyskies · 1 decade ago
so if a girl is , she should be forced to carry the result of that around her inside for 9 months? and then every time she saw her child, or the stretch marks from the pregnancy, she would then be reminded of the most horrible day of her life?
what if the girl isn't physically capable of bringing a child to full term without considerable harm to both herself, and the baby?
and in actual fact, its not murder. abortions can only be carried out in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, which is before the embryo has reached full development.
once the baby is fully formed, then abortions are not legal past that point.
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poodlelomein35 · 1 decade ago
I agree 100%. Abortion is murder. Murder is wrong. Period
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beautifulsinner · 1 decade ago
You're going to get hate for this. As you can see, a few already disagree; but I don't. I agree with you 100%. Murder is murder no matter whose right it is and so many people out there are saying that abortion is ok when it's not. It needed to be said.
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IllFightForDestruction · 1 decade ago
My body my choice. If you got and you got pregnant would you want to have a reminder of that day that you had your virginity stolen from you that someone held you down and took what wasn't theirs everyday for the rest of your life? Yes you're entitled to your own opinion but telling people what they can and can't do and telling them that they are killing 3,500 babies everyday? No actually I am not killing those babies. No I wouldn't get an abortion but I wouldn't tell other people that they are not allowed to have one.
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LauzHeys · 1 decade ago
I don't think you should use abortion as a late contraceptive but if someone gets and can't provide a good environment for the baby then I think they can get it aborted. It's not fair for the child to suffer in poverty.

I respect your opinion too so please respect mine.
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xxNutellaxx · 1 decade ago
AMEN! Thank you for being at least one other person on Witty that has their head screwed on right. The whole world hasn't gone insane yet. . .
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IrishRoast247 · 1 decade ago
The baby is not a human the second it is conceived. It's not yet a baby, not yet a fetus. It is a fertilized egg. The baby is not yet a baby until it is given birth to, or along the lines of 6 months or so, when the baby begins to show signs of life. Up until that point, whatever is inside the uterus is actually just a package of cells. Mostly skin cells. People create such fuss over someone removing skin cells, yet, I've never seen someone criticized for exfoliating.
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justkiddiing · 1 decade ago
I watched your profile before commenting, you posted this quote http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6508431 . indeed nobody can understand your pain, nor can anybody understand the pain of the mother of the child. it's not the same as killing someone, if that was the case, morning afterpill was murder, every month you're not pregnant and get your period is murder... we are with a lot of people and I believe it's better for the world when the mother really WANTS the kid. to many people have a bad youth and carry it with them there whole life
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missjm4368 · 1 decade ago
Abortions are a mother's right. It's not killing babies. They're not technically babies (or infants) until they are born. Now, I agree with you that one should not get an abortion just because they cannot handle a baby because they're too young or not financially stable. If they have and get pregnant, yes, they should try to raise it. But if the baby will be born into a world where it will be extremely hard for them to live, then maybe it's best the parents don't have the baby at all. Also, on the topic of adoption, it's very hard to bear a child for nine months and then give it up to a better home. There is an emotional connection that is very hard to break between a mother and her child, I don't think you understand that. Finally, if a woman gets , she should most definitely have the right to have an abortion. I understand a very minimal amount of abortions happen due to , but they still need to be taken very seriously. No, the baby may not turn out like his father, but what happened to the mother was a very serious and very tragic thing. You can't deny that. And for her to have to look after something she didn't want in the first place is unreal, she has to take care of the baby of the man who violently hurt her. She sees him in the baby. Would you want to deal with this tragedy?
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