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The Big Move
Chapter 11
Sierra's P.O.V.
Dylan's face immediately went pale white as if he had seen a ghost.
He was looking guiltier and guiltier by the second.
"S-Sierra, where d-did you get t-that i-idea?" he stuttered, thinking his mind off for a good answer.
"I don't know, why dont you tell me?" I muttered.
"What is that supposed to mean?" he questioned, getting offended.
"It means that I saw you with that Cherrie girl smooching at that cafe near the campus!" I screeched, causing other couples to stare at us.
"Maybe you were seeing things, because that certainly wasn't me!" he exclaimed, looking extremely uncomfortable now that I've confronted him.
"No, don't try to deny it, because I know it was you." I snarled, as he scooted away a bit.
"Okay, I'm s-sorry, can you e-ever forgive me?" he whispered.
I wanted to laugh so hard.
"No, because you betrayed me and had me fall for you." I retorted softly as I got up and ran to the end of the park, where I heard him yelling my name and chasing after me.
I saw a glossy black car, and I hopped inside as Angie was the driver.
"You did it?" she asked cheerfully.
"Yeah, now go go! He's a fast runner!" I yelled, breathing heavily as Angie drove away quickly, just as Dylan was about to touch the car door handle.
"I'm so proud of you! He's going to beg for you back, just watch." Angie screamed of happiness, blasting the radio to We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.
Angie sang loud and proud, as I remained quiet, thinking.
I felt good that I slammed him, but three words he had said were still in my mind.
I love you.
I was sure that I was almost going to say it back.
But I couldn't possibly feel the way.
I've never said it before, nor have I ever felt the urge to say it to any of my boyfriends.
Ugh, "love" was complicated.

Angie's P.O.V.
Oh yes, I knew that Sierra would come through for me!
I sang melodiously as I drove speedily back to the campus, before Dylan could try to meet her in front of the door of our dorm.
While driving, I noticed Sierra wasn't singing along and was in deep thought.
Did she actually feel bad for him?
I mean I gotta admit, Dylan was smoking hot, with his luscious hair and his dark eyes that sparkled like diamonds.
Plus, I was seriously jealous when I found out Sierra's date was Dylan.
Who wouldn't ask out Sierra, she's beautiful with a kind personality, not to mention they're both from North or South Dadotta, or whatever.
But, it was time for Dylan to realize who he really belonged with.

Praying for all of you in Connecticut. <3

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The Big Move Chapter 11 Sierra's P.O.V. Dylan's face

40 faves · 2 comments · Dec 16, 2012 3:23pm






gmarie · 1 decade ago
Ooooooooh Angie's being a bit of a (insert mean name not allowed by witty here) now isn't she?
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addieisohsosw33t · 1 decade ago
Ooh getting twisted now with Angie! I like it! You're doing a great job with this story so far(:
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