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Status: i am a narwhal, bow down to me mother fluckers

Member Since: 12 Aug 2012 10:04pm

Last Seen: 10 Mar 2013 08:45pm

Location: Narnia

Gender: F

user id: 324668

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Page Graphics, Tumblr Graphics

Hello there, my name is Chassidy.
Here's some stuff that you probably don't care about but I will list it anyways because I'm hipster.

Favorite Foods: Buffalo Wings & Kimchi Bowl

Favorite Drink: Starbucks Frappuccinos

Favorite Animals: Cats, Unicorns, & Narwhals

 Favorite Colors: Aqua, Purple, Blue, & Rainbow

Favorite Sports: Swimming, Tennis, & Volleyball.

I like sunshine, but I also like rainy days. I have always wanted to see snow, because it looks so cool and white.

okay, increase the peace my beautiful ducklings.

Page Graphics, Tumblr Graphics

"Four for you Glen Coco, you go Glen Coco!.... And none for Gretchen Weiners."
-Mean Girls

  1. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 9:04pm UTC
    What You Should Say If You Didn't Do Your Homework:
    - i aint a letter grade
    - i am trying to be green by not wasting paper, tree killer
    - i had other brain-frustrating homework to do
    - what do you expect from me
    - dont be h8ing on me
    - nobody's perfect
    - did you know that humans only have two middle fingers
    - did you also know that dolphins and humans are the only animals to have s3x for pleasure
    - my ostrich ate my homework, at least my dog didnt eat my homework
    - did you finish grading our tests
    - my homework is never late, everybody else's is just early
    - i had to catch up on my soap operas
    - i had an emotional breakdown on how i will never amount to anything
    - i had to feed my mom because she broke her arms in a chess accident
    - i was trying to create a type of toaster that would end global warming
    - im so sorry
    - can i take you out for some steak tonight to make it up
    - why does everybody have to judge me
    - i have lazytodosh/t syndrome
    - i was constipated all night
    - do you know how much time i spend trying to impress everyone
    - you only live once
    - i had to take care of my virtual cats they were starving they were alley cats geez i am a human
    - nobody does that sh/t

  2. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 6:36pm UTC
    triangle in math: △
    omg i hate triangles why do we have to do area and perimeter and the pythagorean theorem on this
    triangles in photos and such: △

  3. posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 6:33pm UTC
    you must be homework
    because you are pointless and i hate your freaking guts

  4. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 7:37pm UTC
    You can't always get what you want;
    it's apart of life.
    And I learned that the hard way.

  5. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 4:40pm UTC
    I'm At The Point Where
    it's hard to smile.

  6. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2012 4:34pm UTC
    dont hold your cursor over this quote♥

  7. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 9:32pm UTC
    To those kindergarteners and adults whose lives were taken away from a man that just decided to enter an elementary school with a gun in Connecticut.
    Why? What kind of person can do that?
    They must not be human, because clearly if they did that, they don't have a heart.
    I'm sorry for all those people affected by this tragic incident.
    Please stay strong for those who are not going to go home today.
    Stay strong for them, because you know they would want you too.
    At least the guy who has done this is gone also.
    He won't hurt anymore people.
    He's going to suffer, and all those people who were killed are now perfect angels.

  8. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2012 7:37pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2012 4:41pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 4:28pm UTC
    Happy Veteran's Day
    Thank you US Veterans and heroes
    for sacrificing your lives and fighting
    to let us live in freedom.

  11. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2012 11:09pm UTC
    Things I Hate
    When an outfit you want to
    wear is in the laundry.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2012 9:26pm UTC
    Things I Hate
    When a teacher decides to punish
    the entire class for what one
    student did.

  14. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2012 8:05pm UTC
    How many times do
    people have to quote
    Mean Girls before it gets
    The limit does not exist.

  15. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2012 5:09pm UTC
    format by sandrasaurus
    You're about as
    useful as the P in

    Format Credit: Sandrasaurus

  16. posted a quote
    October 1, 2012 10:23pm UTC
    Format Credit: Sandrasaurus

    "if you don't dream
    there's no use of
    If you don't have faith,
    There's nothing
    worth believing."
    -Justin Bieber

    Format Credit: Sandrasaurus

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2012 9:44pm UTC
    Piglet : How do you spell love?
    Pooh: You don't spell it, you
    feel it. ♥
    Pooh has the best words/quotes to say.

  20. Chasshole Chasshole
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 8:42pm UTC
    He borrowed my calculator.
    We're practically
    meant for
    each other.
    format credit: notyouraverageteenagegirl


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