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Someone Like You
Chapter 1

Played by the player. Now it was my turn. Revenge drowned out the rest of my thoughts.

I strolled down the corridor, my footsteps echoing around me. My heart beating, loud and thumping in my ears. My dark wispy black hair clouded behind me,  shinig under the the fluerosecent lights of the school corridor. My eyes deep, focused on my target.

I took a deap breath. "Excuse me, you're in my way."
He turned, his eyes, piercing and cold, "Pardon me?" his voice hard and strong.
"I said excuse me, you're in my way. Move please." I was strong, powerful, and I didn't care about his friends behind him, the crowd around us, teachers peering out of their classrooms, watching our every move.
His eyes on mine. Cold. Unforgiving. He looked behind him, his friends backing him up. Then, suprisingly, he shifted, a footstep to the right. "How's this?" He whispered, quietly. I watched his face, softening, pain in his eyes. Deep, torturing pain, leaving me almost shattering into a mosaic of emotions. No. I was strong. I was determined to get my revenge.

He played me first.

Now it was my turn.

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Someone Like You Chapter 1 Played by the player. Now it was my

5 faves · Nov 29, 2012 5:34pm






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