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Gay people say they were born gay and straight people say they make a choice to be gay.
I always figured fay people would know better than straight people whether they were born that way or it was a decision.
Then I realized there's not a day in my life where I woke up and "chose" to be straight, I was born that way.
Same goes for gay people.
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Gay people say they were born gay and straight people say they

60 faves · 2 comments · Nov 25, 2012 9:38pm






Skimrande · 1 decade ago
I don't think it's either. I think it's a preference, really. I don't think anyone is born with a sexuality. But it's not a conscious choice either. It's something that's developed and subconsciously chosen. But I'm not a psychology expert or anything so really I have no idea.
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the_story_left_untold · 1 decade ago
I've heard it both ways, some gay people have said like "well i chose to be gay just like you chose to be straight" i think it kinda depends also on the parents too. it's hard to explain that but like some parents are like "i'll loveyou no matter what" and other parents like PUSH the other gender onto their children. i feel weird just commenting on all your quotes but aye. yolo. haha
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