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Remember the old days?
When Pete Wentz was a God to everyone
When you thought Ron and Harry were sexy in the third Harry Potter movie
When  you would wait for a new Harry Potter book/movie to be released
These lyrics "We're going down down spinning around, sugar we're going down swingin"
When boot cut jeans, pink streaks in your hair and crop tops were cute
When you admired Hilary Duff
When you went to see monsters inc and finding nemo in theatres
When Ciara was still around
When you wanted so badly to find out the ending of Kim Possible
When you wondered if Phil ever goes back to the future
When Youtube didn't have annoying ads or Vevo and copyright
When Myspace was the S/!t
When Witty was a place for venting, not for fangirling
When Nickolodean's theme was "nick nick nick nick NICK OH LOAD DE AN!"
When they still aired the rugrats
When spongebob had amazing quotes "THE MAGIC CONCH" "the best time to wear a striped sweater...is all the time"
When playing on the computer mean't opening up paint

yeah... our childhood/teen years were memorable.
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Remember the old days? When Pete Wentz was a God to everyone

4 faves · 1 comments · Nov 6, 2012 12:37am






thestorynofar* · 1 decade ago
Pete Wentz is still a god to me. & I still have my Myspace.
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