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Dear You, 
We’ll be together someday.
When we are, I’m going to meet your parents
and make them love me.
You’re going to meet my parents,
and they’re going to love you.
Once we get comfortable,
I want every friday night to be a movie night.
We can go to a movie theater
and see a brand new movie every friday night,
or just stay home and snuggle up,
while we watch an online movie.
Then, I want every other saturday night to be
our night out.
We’ll go out to different view points and
different dinner locations.
One night, we’ll try mexican, the next chinese,
and so on.
But, you know?
Those are planned days, everyday,
I want to drive over to your house,
and just mess with you while
you’re doing your homework.
I want to play with your hair..
I want to take after school naps together,
and wake up to no problems.
Just you and me side by side, peacefully.
There are more things I wish to do….
but I guess we’ll have to see what our future holds
This is to you...
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Dear You, We’ll be together someday. When we are, I’m

3 faves · Oct 30, 2012 9:42pm






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