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I read my friends diary a few years ago.
I know that it was wrong, but something was bothering her. I'm glad I did because this is what I read:

The darkness scares me
I don’t feel right
All I want is my mom
He begins to hurt me
“Stop” I whisper.
He tells me its normal.
I don’t know what’s going on.
Is this it?
I don’t want him to know about my fear
I stare at one spot on the wall until it ends.
He thinks I’m asleep.
He walks out of the room
I silently cry from the unbearable pain.
Should I be happy?
The lights are off
The darkness scares me.

I got my friend the helped she needed and now she is doing a lot better.
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I read my friends diary a few years ago. I know that it was wrong,

4 faves · Oct 21, 2012 4:13pm






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