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to whom this may concern,
by the time someone reads this, i'll either be dead, hurt, or even more broken than i already am.
to mom and dad,
it really hurts when you call me fat and ugly. it really hurts. and i know you say you're doing the right thing. but when you tell me i'm a waste of food, and time, and  money, do you really mean that? because i think you do. i don't think you'll care. i bet you'll be happy that kayla will be an only child. i'm sorry for disappointing you. i'm sorry for not getting the good grades you really wanted me to get. i really am. i tried. and i thought you were gonna be happy when i came home with the highest math grade in the class, but you weren't. you wanted more, like you always do. so, i'm sorry. 

to my friends,
your sarcasm, no matter how sarcastic it is, it hurt me. it hurts to be called short. but i'm sorry i wasn't the best friend someone could have. i wish i was perfect too. i know i've gotten you all tangled in my messes, and i know i'm over dramatic, but i just needed someone. i hope you all can forgive me. i;m so sorry.

to my family,
i was trying to lose weight, but everytime you guys joke around about how fat i am, and how ugly i was as a baby, i couldn't do it. i wanted you guys satisfied, but i guess you'll be more satisfied once i'm gone. i'm sorry i didn't look like what you wanted me to look like, and didn't act the way you wanted me to act. 

to my teachers
thanks for teaching me all i needed to learn. i knew i wasn't the perfect student, and i'm sorry.

to my witty people,
i'm sorry. i can't do this anymore.

to all the other people out there,
be glad you don't know me.

I'm sorry.



Next Quote >

to whom this may concern, by the time someone reads this, i'll

29 faves · 28 comments · Oct 14, 2012 1:25pm






mjfanlol123 · 1 decade ago
i will help if you agree to and let me in your life through witty
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Ameh · 1 decade ago
Trisha, we've been friends since 2nd grade. We've had our ups and downs, but we made our way around. I know I'm like really late, but when I read this it broke my heart, and I was tearing up knowing that I could've been there for you more. I'm sorry about your family and other people who hurt you like this, but there has got to be better ways then harming yourself. You know, or at least should know, that you have friends who love you for who you are. If they're being sarcastic and you dont like it, tell them. If they were a good friend they'd stop. Hope this was helpful miss you a ton! <3
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KeepTheMemoriesAndNeverForget · 1 decade ago
Please don't do this. I see that a lot fo other people have told you not to already, and they have pretty much covered everything I need to say, but I'll say it anyway. You're so beautifula dn such a great person, you can't end your life. I understand if you're going through some tough time right now, I've had a lot fo those, but things get better, I promise. Stay strong, please, do it for us. You're beautiful. Please don't do it.
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MissMicky754 · 1 decade ago
please don't kill yourself. Everything will get better <3 I promise.
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MEOWMINI · 1 decade ago
Please don't kill yourself!!!!!!!
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zombies.are.kwl * · 1 decade ago
Don't kill yourself your life might not be great at the moment but everything will get better i pomice. xxxxx
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MyMadTeenageDiary* · 1 decade ago
Baby girl, please don't ever think like that. Don't ever think that the only way to make the people around you happy is to kill yourself or inflict harm on yourself. Suicide is NEVER the answer. And neither is hurting yourself. You have your whole life ahead of you... Who gives a flying if you're short??? And so what if you've got some curves?? You are so beautiful just the way you are honey. I know I don't know you or know what you look like but you are. Imperfections are what you and everyone else gorgeous. If your friends are shallow and cruel enough to continuously make fun of what you look like than they aren't your friends... I had the same problem with that. I got rid of those friends and I've never been happier. Please take what I'm saying to heart and know that I love you and if you leave I WILL miss you. Don't do it. I'm begging you. Be strong and show everyone that you are. Show them that you can overcome anything. Be the hero for everyone else in your position. I'm always here if you want to talk. Just message me and I will respond!!! I love you girly.
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Dark_Swan_3 · 1 decade ago
I wish I did know you and if you don't do it, there may be a chance that I could know you.
I know what it's like for your family to constantly remind you that your too fat and aren't smart enough. I know how it is to secretly get hurt every time when a "friend" makes a comment on how short you are. It's like that for me. I have a hard time saying my feelings to anyone so I don't tell them, but I don't think you should keep this bottled inside. I am constantly sad and always feel like crying because the emotions are too big for me to keep in. Don't be like me. Don't keep things inside until you think the only way to fix it is to get rid of yourself. That's not good. Please don't harm yourself.
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ForeverStronger · 1 decade ago
Don't do it! There's always a better option! There are people who truly care about you and don't want you to leave! Please, don't harm yourself, don't kill yourself. There's always another route, you have other options! Talk to someone, do anything except harming yourself... please!</3
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asiancutie11 · 1 decade ago
i love you, dont go
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isabelhope80 · 1 decade ago
Don't do it! It may seem like the best thing to do, but we ALL love you! You are special, don't you ever forget that! We love you, even if we don't know you, and you will ALWAYS have us!
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago
Keep your head up sweetie. <3 a little fish once told me, just keep swimming.
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EllieB123 · 1 decade ago
trisha, dont do this! there are so many ways to get over this, other than taking your own life. i am actually in the same position as you and i fight hard every day not to do it. you need to be strong for me, trisha. they say time is the best healer, and theyre right. hold on, always try to look on the bright side and i promise, one day, itll get so much better. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day it will all be fine again. i dont know you. ive never met you, never talked to you, until now. now i am telling that you deserve to live another day, week, month, year, lifetime to meet a million new people. maybe one of these people will make you feel better. just promise me that youll hold on.
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giveyourheartabreak · 1 decade ago
Please please don't kill yourself. Suicide is not the answer. I know that you think no one cares about you and everything will be better for everyone if you kill yourself but you're wrong. People love and care about you. I am so sorry that people are being mean to you, I wish you didn't have to go through this but just please don't kill yourself. There is so much to live for, there are so many wonderful things you are going to miss out on if you kill yourself. Please please don't do this. You need to stay strong. Things will get better, I promise. It may take a little while but things WILL get better. Stay strong. I'm praying for you. I'm here if you need to talk. Just please don't kill yourself. I love you <3
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perfectlywrecked · 1 decade ago
Hang in there, alright?
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iloveyouux16 · 1 decade ago
Hi Trisha. I promise I'll always be here to talk to you if you need it. I won't be judgmental, I'll just listen.
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butterflyescape · 1 decade ago
don't kill/hurt yourself. you are amazing and beautiful and so so so many people care and love you <333 please, never give up
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BlameItOnSeptember · 1 decade ago
Trisha, listen to me. I've been in your position. But suicide will never be the answer, you hear me? Life is such a beautiful, wonderful gift... I'd love for you to stay around to realize it. Life's hard, I know. Words hurts & actions scar but everything WILL get better. Everything may seem like it's at it's worst right now, but there is always sunshine after rain. So many people, including me, WANT to help you through this. Just give us the opportunity. I know it's cliche, but PLEASE stay strong. We need you.
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gingerfox3 · 1 decade ago
i dont know you. but i do know that you are worth it. theres always a rainbow after a storm. and this, this is ur storm. i promise you eventually it will get better. if you end ur life then all the ppl who have bullied and made u feel worthless will win. you cant let them win. because trisha god made you this way for a reason. just beacuse your not stick skinny thats not a bad thing god just couldnt fit all tht personaltie in a skinny minny body
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horsebackrider67 · 1 decade ago
I dont know you but please don't things will get better. Stay postive and talk to people! :)
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