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OneDirection Imagines

~ Personal Imagine for Dance818~

Tick tock, tick tock. The clock kept ticking, and you couldn't focus. Why are they having a big exam so earlie in the year? You wondered.
No, Emily, focus on your test. You thought again.  You watched the time, thinking about your plans later, and realized there was only an hour left. You hurried up and selected answers like a breeze, it wasn't hard for you considering it was multiple choice. You finished about 3 minutes before the time was over. Now to go home.

The ride home was longer than ever, anticipation rising inside of you. And there was a wreck on your rode, making you take longer. Fan-freaking-tastic.

Riding past the wreck, you recongnized the car. It was your boyfriend, Liam's, who was on the way from the airport after a long flight, to visit you. You swerved into the parking lot of the store neer the wreck, and ran out. Luckily the only blood coming from him was coming from his leg.

You ran over, and he had a painful look on his face.

"Well are you just gonna stand there, or take Liam to the freaking hospital!" Louis yelled at the parametics, with sass.

Louis was lucky, since he was in the passengers seat, where as Liam was driving. Liam always brought Louis, considering he was your best friend. He was the one who hooked up you and Liam.

Two hours, and Liam getting a cast later, you were finally aloud to see him.

"Two weeks was long, but those extra two hours right then killed me, I could never wait that long to see the woman I love again." Liam said to Louis.

You smiled and kissed Liam, glad that he was okay, and you two were better than ever.

"I love you, and I'm glad your okay Liam." you said.
"I love you more, Emily. Don't even try to fight it." he said, making you giggle.

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OneDirection Imagines ~ Personal Imagine for Dance818~ Tick tock,

4 faves · Oct 10, 2012 5:12pm






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