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Beginning of
(Rachels P.O.V)
Chapter  Three.
As i walked into my house, Carter was sitting on the couch, waiting for us.
"Daddy, Daddy!" Aria screamed running towards him.
"Hey princess!" He picked her up and gently held her close like if he would let go, she would disappear. 
I put my purse down one his couch and went back to the room to continue my packing, not once looking at him.  
When i put my last box of stuff next to the door, i went to the bathroom to pack up my soap and accessories.
"Where are you going?" Carter said trying to hide the pain from his voice.
"None of your business," I snapped. 
He put his head down and continued watching me. I swiflty grabbed my bag and dropped it on the bed and then i grabbed another box and headed for Aria's room. He followed.
"You cant just keep her away from me," He whispered standing in her doorway as i started to pack up her stuffed animals.
"Want a bet?" I snapped looking at him for the first time.
I kow i cant keep her away from him. That would ruin her. 
"I'm sorry, Rachel."
"No your not."
"Yes i am!"
"You know i work there, Why the hell would you go there and f/ck somebody in the stalls? Are you seriously that stupid that you would do something like that? When you knew i was working!"
"I wasn't thinking, Rachel."
He sighed and bowed his head. "Her name is Abigail. She is my old high school crush. I don't know... when i saw her... I just remembered all of those old fillings. Are you really going to hold that against me? Honestly Rachel?"
old high school crush... when he said that, those words hit me like a ton of bricks. I started to tear up and he came and grabbed my face, brushing my cheeks with his thumbs.
"If it makes you feel any better, i was buying you a dozen white roses."
"I don't want to talk to you," I whispered walking away.
"Mommy, where are we going?"
"To grandmas."
"Grandma Anne?!" Aria beamed.
"No, to Grandma Beccas."
"Why?" she frowned looking at the floor.
"Because mommys job is closer to grandma beccas house." i lied.
"No!" She screamed.
"Aria, I---"
just as i was starting to talk to her, she threw her arms around Carter and screamed "I dont wanna go with mommy!"
Great, even my kid wants to leave me.
"Princess, mommy needs to take you to grandmas." he paused examining her expression; "I'll come pick you up tomorrow."
I picked aria up and headed out the door towards my mothers car. 

{A/N}  BORING CHAPTER ALERT! Sorry i didn't get the chance to notify you guys last time! I was being yelled at that i was on the computer for too long. Also, Sorry i didn't upload these last two times i was suppose to. I didnt have a computer! I kinda want to stop this story. Should i?
Teaser:  "Why do you want to move all the way to the U.K?"



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Beginning of Revenge. (Rachels P.O.V) Chapter Three. ♣

7 faves · 1 comments · Oct 7, 2012 8:10pm






*compassionate soul* · 1 decade ago
this is really good:) and the teasers kind of help with having other readers and myself hanging on the edge of our seats because we want to know where the teasers play in at and such. :)
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