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him: woah your legs are so skinny!
me: ...i know-___-
him: you're like anorexic.
me: no, i'm really not, i eat 24/7.

I hate it when people say i'm anorexic, i've been called anorexic so much. It's not even funny, people say it so casually, even my best friends were making jokes about it the other day.
Just because one is skinny, it doesn't always make them anorexic.
Think about that next time you judge someone.

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him: woah your legs are so skinny! me: ...i know-___- him: you're

4 faves · 1 comments · Oct 5, 2012 11:59am






MissyLizzie · 1 decade ago
I had this very bad stomach condition when I was younger so I couldn't eat food without being sick. And so I didn't eat because I knew I would be sick. Eventually I dropped down to three and a half stone and people would call me anorexic. Now I've got over this condition, I have a dangerously fast metabolism so I have to eat a lot and regularly to avoid losing weight fast. I'm a 20 BMI and some people hate me because I eat a lot during lunch and they hate that I don't seem to put on weight.
People should think before they judge.
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