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I miss you.
The way you would shout random numbers when I was counting to wind me up.
The way you gave me your jacket after I hinted I was cold about 5000 times.
The way you would just stand there and start singing Taylor Swift in a stupid voice.
The way you would try to wind me up just because you thought it was cute when I tried to hit you.
The way you would laugh at my stupidness and humor me when I had crazy moments.
The way you always tried to act hard even when you were hurting.
I miss the way you always tried to make me smile when I was upset.
I miss the way your eyes truly lit up when you smiled.
I miss that smile.
I miss the fact that I could be myself around you.

I miss you.

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I miss you. The way you would shout random numbers when I was

12 faves · Sep 30, 2012 2:53pm





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