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Why do some people pretend they don't believe in God

 Godmades ​​every single cell of our bodies

He breathed the soul into the body.

How do you say there is no God
when your body will attest

You can't deny him

Even if you deny him with words

You praise him in your herat
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Why do some people pretend they don't believe in ♥God♥

6 faves · 2 comments · Sep 26, 2012 5:10pm






anorexia · 1 decade ago
No. No I dont. lol.
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Babynewyear69 · 1 decade ago
im really not trying to start any witty fights, or anything, dont think bad of me or anything, but for some people it just doesn't make sense. maybe they weren't born into it, maybe its just not in their religion... i just dont think its fair to say people "pretend to not believe in god".
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