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Chapter 28

I keep on forgetting to write everyday, and im sorry for all the excuses!

I haven't seen Evan much lately, even after my conversation with Aiden.
But today, I mustered up the courage to go see Evan after school at the photography club.
The halls were empty, as an echo was made when I walke down the hallway.
I remembered the way to the photography class from my previous experience in freshman year.
I stopped in front of the wooden door, as I twisted open the knob.
The room was dark, with the exception of the light that was coming from the laptop across the room.
Evan was clicking away on the computer, going by picture after picture.
I cleared my throat, as Evan turned around.
He seemed surprised to see me, eyes widened.
He stopped clicking on his mouse, as he blinked a few times.
"Can I talk to you?" my voice came out high pitched.
Evan cleared his throat, as he turned the lights on. "S-sure." he stuttered nervously. "Just take a seat."
I took the empty seat beside him. "So, where's everyone? Isn't this the room to the photography club?"
Evan let out a low laugh, scratching the back of his neck.
I finally took a good look at him, noticing how stressed out and tried he looked.
His hair was a mess, and there were evident dark circles under his eyes.
"It's a Friday." Evan said. "Everyone left early today."
"How come you're still here?" I asked.
"I need to review all the pictures that we're putting in the next paper that comes out on Monday." Evan shrugged.
I gave him a weak and forced smile. "Oh."
Evan licked his lips, as his green eyes casted down towards mine.
"I'm actually really glad that you came by today." Evan paused. "I've been meaning to see you."
I couldn't help but feel a bit angry.
I've been at school for the entire week, and he hasn't even glanced at me when we walked by each other in the halls.
"Really?" I asked bitterly.
Evan looked saddened by my harsh tone. "Arden, I'm sorry for what I did to you."
I stared down at my fingers, feeling numb on the inside.
"I know it may have seen like I was using you this whole time," he paused, "but I wasn't. At first, I was, but then I got to really know you, and I found out how different you were from Hollis. You're sarcastic, honest and you don't care about what anyone says about you, and I love that. Sure, you may look a hell lot like Hollis, but I pushed that aside once I realized who you really were."
I felt tears well up in my eyes, as I brushed them away quickly.
Evan saw me cry once, and he'll be lucky if he see's it again.
"Did you ever like me?" I whispered.
Evan gave me a small smile, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ears. "Yeah, a lot."
I licked my lips. "When did you start liking me as more than just a replacement for Hollis?"
"When I first kissed you." he said without hesitation.
That was when I started to have feelings for him, as well.
"Do you still like me now?" I asked, feeling my own voice shake.
"Yes." Evan muttered, his eyes slowly shifting down to my lips.

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accidentally Chapter 28 I keep on forgetting to write everyday,

237 faves · 10 comments · Sep 24, 2012 6:26pm






Apage · 1 decade ago
just amazing.... i love it. <3
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babyphatpg · 1 decade ago
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. This is awesome!!
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lloser101 · 1 decade ago
umm this is really good ive like read your stories from when you first started and im addicted i was really sad when you werent gonna write them anymore but like yeahh....so more please(:
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patonrice · 1 decade ago
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.* · 1 decade ago
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PaperPanda · 1 decade ago
A Beautiful Mess- Jason Mraz :)
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Kelsey* · 1 decade ago
love this! omg cant waitt<3
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itscomplicated9898 · 1 decade ago
ahhhhhh can't wait for update!!!!!! i need them to make up :)
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cheese1211 · 1 decade ago
please update more often, i love this story:)
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soccertrack · 1 decade ago
soooooo good....can u update more often tho i want to c whats gona happen!!!!
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