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Suicide doesn't end the pain
It just gives it to someone else.
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Suicide doesn't end the pain It just gives it to someone

1098 faves · 10 comments · Sep 24, 2012 5:04pm






odd happy birthday! · 1 decade ago
@AlpacaPerson no, you're wrong. It'll make them hate themselves even more.
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AlpacaPerson · 1 decade ago
Ok, so then they WON'T WANT TO COMIT SUICIDE because they would feel bad about making someone else feel bad. It's better than sitting there and letting them die.
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requiem · 1 decade ago
I don't believe that this isn't the right thing to say to someone who is suicidal.
Suicidal people already feel like everything is their fault. They feel that suicide is the only way out. They feel so down about their life that they feel like they literally have no other option.
By telling them that them killing themselves is going to make it harder on everybody else, you are just making them feel more and more guilty.
You don't think they already KNOW that other people are going to be affected by it? Of course they do. Just be grateful that they are still there to talk to. They haven't committed yet, which means there is SOMETHING somewhere that is keeping them alive. Find that, and make sure they hold onto it.
This is how I felt when people told me to stop starving myself because it was affecting everybody else... it's not like it was something I could control. Anorexia is a mental illness... it wasn't my fault and I didn't like being blamed for it. That just made me want to hurt myself even more.
Just putting my two cents in, not meant to offend.
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xxcorinne95xx · 1 decade ago
I was gonna put this as my status due to the fact I lost my friend to suicide in may but then I realized oh timra wrote this and shes my friend on facebook so I shall just fav this and love it forever
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Bravosierra* · 1 decade ago
gaahahah . I swear I love you .
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xxcorinne95xx · 1 decade ago
I love you too!but you would of been like this looks familiar oh wait its my quote...
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justmmia · 1 decade ago
my brother killed himself.. we shouldnt judge people even if they want to do that
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Peace1231 · 1 decade ago
so true
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TurtleRawr · 1 decade ago
My dad and I were talking about suicide earlier today. He knew 7 people that killed them selves, 3 over a girl. That they 'loved' for a week.. and the girl was a complete sluut..
and over 20-30 years later, my dad still remembers them and the conversations he had with them when he said that girl wasnt a good idea. Its pretty sad. But yeah, it hurts other people and they never forget it.
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ChaoticBeautyxo* · 1 decade ago
That is the only thing that used to stop me when I was younger.
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