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I Am Completely Alone.
I know that no one is probably going to read this, but I have to say it somewhere.

Last night my boyfriend broke up with me. He gave me no reason except that "he wasn't really into it anymore."
The next thing he told me was that he had been thinking about ending it for the past two weeks.
But what made me mad was that only ten days ago,
he sent me this exact message;

"Baby.<3 It's been five months, but it feels like 14379953, but I cannot wait for what's in store for us.
You're my everything and I'd tell you anything. You're my girl.
The most beautiful, sweet, and loving girl a guy could ever have. Somehow I'm the guy that got lucky.
I'll always be there for you and will never leave your side.
One day I hope to call you my wife and to see our wonderful kids.
I love you from the bottom of my heart, and always will."

Now this was ten days before he broke up with me, and if what he said was true,
about thinking about breakingup with me for two weeks, then that means that that was all a lie.
Even more than that, the day before he ended it he told me, "I'll love you always."
He even admitted that he had been leading me on. I told him I hated him for that and he said "okay."
There's still more. He never told me that he was doubting us, instead he talked to other people,
instead of talking to me about it. Even worse, two of the people he talked to were my friends...
And they told him to break up with me. I feel so betrayed and alone.
And the worst part? He did this all over text message.
I hate him.


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I Am Completely Alone. I know that no one is probably going to

8 faves · 2 comments · Sep 19, 2012 8:55pm





break up

FOBsessed3621 · 1 decade ago
oh, honey, it sucks doesn't it? i know it does. my bf of a year and a half broke up with me over text.. you're not alone, i'm here if you need to talk to someone.
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smexy911 · 1 decade ago
Awee im sorry😢 if you need to talk im here.
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