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I hate my body
all I want it to feel comfortable in my own skin
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I hate my body all I want it to feel comfortable in my own skin

74 faves · 2 comments · Sep 2, 2012 10:29am






GeorgieBooLovesYou · 1 decade ago
Honestly? Not even the most confident person in the world likes their body 100% of the time. Self-love takes time and it's never wrong to have those days where you don't like your body, how you look, your height, you weight, your , the fact you have pimples or the colour of your hair/eyes, but what matters is not letting that bother you, so what if every once in a while you hate your body? Your body is only one piece of you. - If you feel like that try to think of one or five, or if you can, ten, things you like about yourself, or the way you look, instead of focusing on the bad!
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BravoSierra · 1 decade ago
I feel ya babe /:
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