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I am a cutter.
I've decided that if I get 5 fave's,I'll tell my best friend </3.
10 fave'sI'll tell my boyfriend and hoping he won't leave </3.
15 fave's,I will tell my parent's </3.
20 fave's or higher,I will go to the hoistpal and get help </3 I promise I'll do this </3

Put down the razor.
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I am a cutter. I've decided that if I get 5 fave's,I'll

24 faves · 1 comments · Sep 1, 2012 6:29pm






j9ksr · 1 decade ago
Good luck...and know that you are worth more than the pain you are putting yourself through. You might be hurting because of someone or something, but it's YOUR choice on how you react to it.....please get help. <3
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