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homemade ab/upper thigh workout that's actually kinda fun:

1. sit in a computer chair backwards.
2. put your legs up against the back of the chair, cross your ankles and hold onto the chair with your thighs.
3. bend your back all the way, until your head is touching the floor (or as close as you can get your head to the floor in case you're short).
4. try to lift yourself up in a seated position.
5. Do this repeatedly until you feel like stopping.
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homemade ab/upper thigh workout that's actually kinda fun:

5 faves · 2 comments · Aug 20, 2012 8:35pm






mwittym · 1 decade ago
i just fell outta the chair
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lilgirlsarah · 1 decade ago
haha i would but im in a chair on wheels
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