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Hater: Ewww Justin Bieber skates? I'll stop skating.
Belieber: You know what else Justin Bieber does?
Hater: What?
Belieber: He breathes. You should stop breathing too!
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Hater: Ewww Justin Bieber skates? I'll stop skating. Belieber:

35 faves · 8 comments · Aug 19, 2012 9:43am






JustinDrewBiebs · 1 decade ago
Deleted the comments? Aww :') I used to do that too. When I was 10 :')
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JustinDrewBiebs · 1 decade ago
VV Duh I didn't joke about someone dying. But if this is what you believe, okay, believe it. I'm not trying to convince you about anything. I don't apologize. It's not my fault some people got it in a wrong way.
~end of story.
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JustinDrewBiebs · 1 decade ago
Dammit I was being SARCASTIC -_- If you don't get it it's not my fault okay?
Someone hates Justin so much at a point that hates everything Justin does and if they both do something the hater wants to stop doing it. The Belieber thinks that's stupid and is being damn SARCASTIC.
Get it now?
I get that some of you people hate Justin. Ok it's your opinion, cool, but finding reasons (reasons that don't even exist in the first place) to get to me is really dumb.
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Myfriendsarepigs · 1 decade ago
It doesn't matter if if you didn't "intend" to tell someone to kill themselves. You don't mention IN your quote that it was a joke and you are not telling people to kill themselves. People can easily take that the wrong way and you should really think before you post something like this. It is beyond me, why you would even think about posting this. People don't like justin bieber, get used to it. In fact I hate him but you don't see me going around posting things telling or hinting beliebers to go kill themselves. Please, for everybody's well being, just think before you post something else like this.
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JustinDrewBiebs · 1 decade ago
Oh my god are you guys insane? I'd never EVER tell someone to kill themselves. I just thought it was funny and I posted it. Just in case you didn't notice, the Belieber ^ is being sarcastic towards the hater when they say that they'll stop doing something because JB does it.Get your facts straight before attacking me.
Duh -.^
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josiewdog123 · 1 decade ago
SO FUN! I loved the part where you told me to go kill myself
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JustinDrewBiebs · 1 decade ago
Duh I cant believe you took it seriously. This is just for fun smh.
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josiewdog123 · 1 decade ago
I know, and I thought the Directioners were bad.
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