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I'm so tired ..

tired of people 

tired of him 

i hate how he can upset me in a second, how everything is my fault. I'm tired of him reacting one way and for it to be acceptable and then i do the same and i'm in the wrong. i'm so sick of him telling me not to do stuff how its a turn off or i look stupid. i hate the way he will never text me first and if i ask him to text me later its like a big deal. I dont know whats wrong with us lately we're constantly arguing i don't wanna go through this again its making me sick. I dont like how he expects me to make an effort but he dosent half to. Reading this back he sounds horrible but he's not he can be great , amazing even. 

I just want, to not be tired any more...

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I'm so tired .. tired of people tired of him i hate how

1 faves · Aug 6, 2012 2:25pm





break up

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