Witty Profiles

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Tell me something I don't know

Chapter 1
*September's P.O.V.*

I looked over to my mother and she cleared her throat.
"September," she half-smiled. "I know you won't like this but, I have no other choice.."
"What?" I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, Mom?"
"For the sake of the restaurant," she mumbled. "you're marrying Jayson Marx of the Marx Coffee Duplex."
"What?" I asked, wide-eyed. "Mom! Aranged marriage?!"
"Just do it for Anna's," she spat. Anna's was our restaurant. "Please, September!"
"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "but only for Anna's!"
I stormed out of the room and went to work.

I was wearing my normal: Dark denim skinny jeans, tank top, varsity jacket
, and converses.
I walked into Anna's and took off my jacket, I grabbed an apron. I put on my apron and headed towards the oven. I was in charge or pasteries.

-2 hours later-
"Excuse me," a voice, from behind the counter, called. "do you know where I could find a girl named September Adams?"
"Right here," I walked to the register. "how may I help you?"
He held out his hand. "I'm Jayson, our parents have an agreement."
"Oh," I sighed, then I looked up at him.
Dam*. He's gorgeous. Freaking gorgeous.
"Nice to meet you," I smiled, I could feel my face getting hot.
He chuckled. "Ditto."
I smiled and he asked me to come to his place after work, to get to him more since we were supposed to get married.

I got out of the taxi after paying the driver and looked at the mansion. WOAH.. it's huge!!!
I walked up to the door and knocked. A butler answered.
"Hello?" he answered. "You must be Miss September." He made it sound like I was a model on a calendar.
"Yeah," I smiled. "that's me."
"Come on in," he me in. "Young master Jayson is waiting in the hall."
He walked me inside and down several hallways.
"Master Jayson," the butler called. "Miss September is here."
"Bring her in," Jayson's voice rang.
I walked in and Jayson's face lit up.
"Oh," he smirked. "I see you've changed."
I was now wearing jean shorts, a tanktop, and a hoodie.
"Yeah," I nodded. "So... what do you want to know about me?"


BLARGH.. New story..

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Tell me something I don't know Chapter 1 *September's

13 faves · 2 comments · Aug 4, 2012 5:30am






Coke_or_Pepsi · 1 decade ago
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pls write more. I looooooovvvvvvvveeeeee it!!!!
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fatefellshort · 1 decade ago
woah I love this!
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