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Always There But Never Seen

Chapter 2


I don't know what to say when he walks in, so he talks for me. My dad talks clearly and firmly "You must leave." I would ask why but the words just don't come out. Until I just explode with curiosity, "Why must I leave, if I leave then where will I go? Where would I stay? Who would be there?" He has no response. "Is it because you hate me?" I should not have said that he picks up the lamp and throws it right at my face. "GO NOW!" So I run as fast as I can, I don't know why maybe it's because I'm so frightened or maybe I just want to leave. Anyways I just keep running until I realize that I left my brothers and sisters. How could they live without me? So I immediately turned around and ran straight home faster than I had ever run before. I burst into my house and shout with all I've got with myself gasping for breath "I will never leave! No matter what a horrible life it is to live in this house." Then I see it, all the blood. My mother was sitting in a corner grasping a knife and my father, dead on the floor. All my siblings I can tell are scared out of there minds and don't know what to do with themselves. I can't help but stop and think in all of this mess. Did he tell me to run to save me? Did he actually love me? Is my mom drunk doing this or did she really mean to kill him? What is she going to do? Is she going to leave us scared and alone or kill us to? I then feel breathing down my neck and so I turn around and there she is, my sister Mae. "Never run away again, I can't handle this life without you." I respond "Don't worry, I will never leave again, I promise." After that reassuring moment for her, I tell her "Run, take everyone, I will deal with this." She hesitates but she ends up leaving but I can read her lips saying 'Be careful, we aren't going far.' They all finally leave and my mother is still in her corner holding her knife ready to strike.

Feedback? Is it good, bad, okay, etc. This is just the second chapter so I will try to make it better if you don't like it. If you do like it and you want me to notify you or keep notifying you just comment! Thanks if you read it(:
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Always There But Never Seen Chapter 2 I don't know what

15 faves · 7 comments · Jul 30, 2012 6:51pm






Haley_DixonVixon13 · 1 decade ago
WOAH! Didn't see that coming! Love it! Please keep notifying me? Thanks so much!
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Awkward3564 · 1 decade ago
Amazing(: notify? keep notifing? please? :3
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Squirrely1 · 1 decade ago
Awesomeness. :D
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Patrick_Stop* · 1 decade ago
Wow, I love this. Notify me, please?
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iluhyoux · 1 decade ago
This is extra different :D NOTIFYY!?
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CaosGoMoo · 1 decade ago
It's pretty good, but I think it needs some similes to give it more emotion.
But I loved it, this chapter really got my heart racing!
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jay* · 1 decade ago
I LOVE IT!!! Notify me?
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