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One Stroke At a Time

2012 Olympics, London. That is my goal, all I need is a qualifying
time in my freestyle event and I can go to the trials.
I grew up swimming competitively it is all I ever wanted to do, and
this is my chance. Swimming trials open up in exactly six months.

Six months.

I only have six months to drop twelve seconds off my 100m. freestyle I’ve been training so hard for this, there is no turning back.

I will be in the olympics. I just need to take things,

One Stroke At a Time

okay, I know short prologue... I couldn't give to much away but I will give you one hint:)
*My heart sank to my stomache "Are- are you sure? Nothing can fix it?"*
feedback? or should I not write?

Format by twilightgirl995
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One Stroke At a Time Prologue 2012 Olympics, London. That is

3 faves · Jul 17, 2012 4:57pm






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