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I know nobody will read this, but I need to vent. 
10 days go, July 4th, 2012, I was sleeping over at my friends house. Thought nothing of it, just a sleepover, right? Well that morning my mom unexpectingly comes at 8:30 am and makes me leave. The first thing she tells me? Dads in jail. Now my dad was not a very good one, he always yelled and screamed and threatened us, ect. But this was serious. That night he had tried to kill her. Pushed her down the stairs, hit her in the face with her purse, pushed her face into a chair, strangled her, and much, much more. Her nose is broken and she has bruises everywhere, but she fought him off and ran to the neighbors. While this was happening, at 3:30 am in the morning, he goes upstairs and takes my two younger brothers and tells them that there is "a man with a gun in the house" and rushes them out the door. He leaves the house in his car without his glasses, and my moms phone, wallet. purse, money, liscence, etc. He throws all of those things out the window and goes on a high speed chase away from the police in people's backyards. When I woke up that morning I had a missed call at 3:36 am from my aunt (his sister) who never calls me, so somethings telling me he called her and told her something was wrong? But she didn't mention anything of it when I called her back, so I thought nothing of it. Apparently my dad was on drugs, and the police took them a few nights after (when we found them) and he is still currently in jail. But now I have to move, and am practically loosing everything. Fml. Sorry this isn't pretty and nobody will read this but like I said, needed to vent.  
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I know nobody will read this, but I need to vent. 10 days go,

7 faves · 4 comments · Jul 14, 2012 11:22pm






tuck323 · 1 decade ago
Im really sorry :( I had somewhat of the same thing happen but my dad was ( and still is) a huge alcoholic. he did go to jail too and i felt the same way. he was abusive to my stepmom and my mom. i can relate mostly relate to your situation about your dad being in jail. but if you ever just need someone to talk to i'll gladly listen
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ilovecanadianboys · 1 decade ago
I read it, and I'm so sorry! That isn't something you want to wake up to. If you read my situation it isnt pretty either. Life sucks sometimes..
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witty_guy_here · 1 decade ago
im sorry :( and read the whole thing
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ErinRAWR · 1 decade ago
im so sorry
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