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format-br0kenwings LEAVE THIS HERE PLEASE.

Today is gonna be the day;
I already wrote the note. 



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Today is gonna be the day; I already wrote the note. DO NOT

15 faves · 14 comments · Jul 12, 2012 9:54am





break up

AlExFrAmE_16 · 1 decade ago
Please please pleaseeeee do not do this, ou have to have se downs before you have your us please dont do this
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yupthatsmylife808 · 1 decade ago
please please don't, you're worth so much more than this, you have so much ahead of you. please please don't do it.
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_ameliamarie · 1 decade ago
I just read your last two quotes and I see you haven't been on since 4pm. I'm praying you're okay. Please, please, please don't attempt suicide. It sucks that your birthday was bad, I know, but when life gets you down, kick some and take names! Do something that makes you feel better. Hang out with your bestfriends, go to a party, dance, sing at the top of your lungs, MAKE yourself happy. Sometimes, that's what you have to do, when it seems like you're whole world is falling apart, and life is kicking your butt, find something to smile about. If the sun is shining, smile about the way it warms your skin, if it's raining, go dance in it and smile at your inner child! If the flowers are in bloom, smile at how each and every flower is beautiful, just like you. Appreciate the little things when the big things are falling apart. You have so much to live for, I know you don't know me,I don't even know if you'll read this, but I swear you have SOMETHING to live for. Also, don't keep your emotions bottled inside, tell them to someone, trust me, it helps a lot, but tell them to someone who listens, your bestfriend, your mom, anyone who will listen to you. Don't just tell them to Witty, make sure a person hears you,understands what you're saying, will be there for you if you need them at 2am. There IS someone like that in your life, you may not see them, but they are there. Please, stay strong, feel beautiful, and really smile.
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Eli22b · 1 decade ago
Don't you dare. B/tch, I will fly to wherever the hell you are and stop you myself.
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edance123 · 1 decade ago
Don't do it. Just don't. I don't have an explanation on why but whatever is happening will pass over and things will get better. I promise.
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lindsey_loves_yhuu · 1 decade ago
girl please dont
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planetselfish101 · 1 decade ago
I usually don't comment on these type of quotes, but for some reason I have the urge to tell you that I'm very sorry your 17th birthday was less than expected. On a totally different topic, I love your hair. You are honestly Goregous. Okay, back to my origional point, I really hope you don't take your own life. I know I have NO idea who you are or what your going through, but I will always be here for you. If you ever want to just vent, leave me a comment. You're just to young to die. Please don't do it. Please.
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giveyourheartabreak · 1 decade ago
no please no. don't even think about it. you are so beautiful and you have your whole life ahead of you. i want to read a quote from you tomorrow saying that you changed your mind. I'm praying for you. stay strong
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Beautiful_Lover · 1 decade ago
i do not no you but i bet you are an amazing person do not do it you have so much to live for suicide is a temporary soltution there are so mannu people out there who treasure your being

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fluffybunny · 1 decade ago
why would you kill yourself :( you are so pretty and perfct though i dont know you. you have so many things to live for. its ok, bad things happen to you in life because there are amazing things later. trust me (:
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belty* · 1 decade ago
Dont you dare.
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PrincessKrys2000 · 1 decade ago
Please don't!! Think about your parents, how do you think they'll feel...You will be missed even though you think no one cares about, think again! Right now I care about you. I care about life. You're 17, almost 18, you have your whole life ahead of you...please don't do this...please..
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lindsey_loves_yhuu · 1 decade ago
please. i can't let you do this. just please im begging you
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CrystalDreams · 1 decade ago
Don't do it!
Evene if you feel like doing it right now, don't!
Because you're beautiful and a better day will come and things will get better!
I'm so sorry I'm not really good at this, but really don't do it!
We're here for you!
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